Dec 13, 2003 10:25
finals are finally done. One of the better feelings out there it is. And folks let me tell ya, it's been quite a cinderella story for me. So I got an 86 on my accounting final, and I got the three 'gimmes' on the test wrong. We're talking they give you the formula for them on the exam! There is pretty much no way to get them wrong. Now if I had gotten these 3 problems right, it would have changed my 88 average in the class to an 89.97, and if you're scoring at home that's an A-! So I write this email to my proffessor...
"Hi I am in your ACCT 131 class. I just took the final, and I got 7 wrong. However, I three of the problems I got wrong were the ratio problems. The reason why I got them wrong was because you (whoever made the test) switched the order of the years up on us. The prior cash flow problems had the years going in reverse order: 2001 to 2000 (I forget what the exact years were, but that's the order they were going in) the
ratio problems in the practice exam had the years go in the same order as the cash flow ones were in the actual final exam.
I realize this was a stupid mistake on my part. However, those 6 points are the difference between me getting a B+ and an A- in the course. I did the math out, I would have an 88 average as stands and if I got those right i would have an 89.97 average. I did just run into Professor Gramling and he was the one that suggested I should write you this email. He told me how he gave one of his students a break who made
the same mistake as I. To be honest, if I were already in the school of business I would not be writing you this email, but I am a 5th semester student here and I would like to graduate with a business degree within the next couple years (or before the end of the decade ha). Alright
thank you for your time.
Hi Max:
I'll record your grade as A-. You won't see the change on WebCT, but the
Registrar will get the correct grade.
Prof R
THAT'S WHAT I CALL SOME PANTY DROPPIN GOOD NEWS I got that goin for me. Now you're probably sitting there thinking "big fuckin deal.. I haven't taken my finals yet. Why should I care?" well let me tell ya why:
a. you're just gay if you don't care anyway
b. this may be the highest g.p.a. to date, we'll know within a few days, and as many of you know (I didn't want to put anything in print untill it was 100% positive.. I mean I think I've given you, my readers, a career worth of blue balls with failing to deliver all my false promises..BUT THIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL..) Me and Brasco are going to California.. well he's not 100% but the man who's got two thumbs and likes blow jobs is (i'm sure if u ask don, he'll tell ya he's 100% but I've learned u really need to take that boy with a grain of salt). The plan being to drive there, now if Don bails out, that leaves an open seat or two for anyone that would like to come along for the ride n fly back. It'd be a road trip of a lifetime and not to mention the LJ potential. What all this has to do with g.p.a... well I won't be seeing you all for quite some time. An exemplerary gpa gives me that much more leverage in an argument with the rents for having a going away bash at mi casa. A battle, where after these finals, that I will accept nothing less than victory.
Sooo anyway I forgot to write an LJ about this, happened last thursday.. a hot body contest at the pub, "Heine Night". This is just one of those things that..... well, may have been the coolest things I've ever seen. We're talkin panty droppers actually dropping there panties, n all other underwear attire (if they even had any to begin with). The two blondes that won- outstanding. The way how they dyked it out probably converted the few hetero sexual girls in the bar into Bi's.
Alright till next time people.. wish I had some more sexy stories or at least stories of Brasco's logical incompitance but what can I say -it's that time of year. The LJ economy is always in a recession this time of year it j/ goes w/ the territory. I won't be taking academics seriously next semester at all, all I need is a C in a class for it to transfer.. oh and did I mention it's the #2 party school in the country according to Playboy?