Nov 17, 2003 16:16
friday me sturg don and roberto hit up Alex's frat at WPI for their mardi gras night. Def was a good time, but unfortunately it was the weakest of the 4 part series- this was the first time there were actually more guys than girls. This is probably because AAA himself wasn't in the country. Like chickens w/ their heads cut off w/ out ya over there alex. But it was still fun, just had to cowboy up a little more.
I was talkin to one girl and i'm like "Oh so you must be lovin this- more guys than girls huh!" she j/ kinda gave a neither here nor there head shake
"Or is it that now you just have more assholes all over you now?"
"yup that's definately it" she laughed, THEORY #159 CONFIRMED! I just gave her daps explained i was proud to be one of those assholes, wished her well and went on my way. Damn it feels good to be right. If you disconcur with this young lady, make my day and post a comment.
Lets see.. so we stayed w/ danielle, alex's friend. That was a good time pregamin w/ her n friends.. it really rekindled my passion for beirut/beer pong. I really think it is the new american past time (is it pass time or past time? either way), there is no better game. Especially when u get the shit talking and what not. Me and Danielle went undefeated that night, 7-0, and I still am considering looking into it as a profession. Any way we're much oblidged for the lodgings DD.
So saturday we went to JP's party (curry crew) at his appt. I must say I had a fuckin blast. I'll take you through some of the highlights of the night:
1st off was a typical me n don conversation during beer pong-
"I really feel as though I am like the Denis Rodman of the workplace," don said. He works at Michael Jordans steakhouse and he just got suspended for coming five minutes late to work friday night and the prior time he had a wrinkley shirt. They're obviously very superficial there, I mean how do you think he got the job? His bussing skills? anyway.. "I may cause controversy, but at the end of the season I win championships. I put rings on fingers."
"But Don, Denis Rodman does rebounds what do you do??" I guess I give assists judging from this question.
"I do women. Women on the rebound."-ladies and gentlemen, Don Speed. Right as don starts to say this Jay mutters to me.. "Did ya really need to ask that, he does women" ahh i love it.
Another one was a pair of beer pong games that may have gone down in history as a couple of the best ever. It was JP and his friend vs. me n jay each team through 20$ on the line. And between JP and Jay's shit talkin it made for Red Sox/Yankees electricity. We were on n off.. and the only times we made a shot was when we both made it during the same turns.. but nonetheless we were up 1 cup to 3 (we had 3 left on our side and they had one) when JP missed and the ball went off of Jay's shirt and in his cup. OH MAN i've never been so devistated after a beirut game! Like I honestly walked right into another room and just sat on the bed, held my head, and just stared at the floor. Like there was no question in my mind that we were gonna win! Wow.. sad huh? But honestly if I've said it once I'll say again.. BEER PONG SHOULD BE ON TV.. I would fuckin love to watch that shit. Now I have many other money making schemes like this which i refuse to publish on the lj.. however, I just really wanna see it. Ya know you get a couple comedians i.e. some SNL ppl or like Will Farrell or Tracy Morgan, and ya get the good shit talking man I just don't see who wouldn't want to see this.
Another moment I found pretty amusing, and maybe ya really gotta know Bruce to fully appreciate this one. So Jay goes to me "Dude JP's the man, I had no idea how funny that kid was" or something along those lines. And Bruce just goes nuts.
"AWW what the fuck," and just starts throwing shit everywhere, you would've thought he was Bobby Knight after getting thrown out of a game.."I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FAVORITE" we're talking he was throwing pillows from the couches, punching the wall.. i give him an oscar for the acting job.
Another moment I think all speed fans would appreciate. Well don is trying to go to sleep on this couch and i guess some kid just plopped himself don on it too while don went to the bathroom. And speed comes up to me bitching, "Benoit, I was tryin to sleep wa wa wa wa wa wa wa awa (god the wa's never seem to end w/ that boy) wa wa wa wa" So I go up to the kid who was then asleep. Wake him up abruptly, like shaking him n shit.
"i'm up i'm up.."
"OK dude come with me, j/ come this way.." so I escort him out the door into the freezing cold and he just kept on walking when he got outside, i stayed wwarm and inside "yeah I'll be right out," i yelled to him. He came back like 5 minutes later n passed out in the same place, where Don was talking his hard core fake ghetto shit.. like
"serriously son, i'm tryin to go to sleep here.. ok ok u need to get lost son.. wa wa wa" and he just never let up and the kid honestly didn't move a muscle he had no vital signs. he was passed the fuck out. so don was basically yapping to the wall forever ha. I don't know whatever came out of this, my next memory was that don had the couch to himself and that kid was nowhere to be found.
So that was pretty humorous, there was a lot Frank the Tank (JP's rather husky friend) humor which I really don't think I'm quite equipt to capture on paper yet. But this was the first night in a long time that I recall seeing the sun rise.. so that's always good.