Remember Me? - Chapters

Dec 03, 2005 13:38

Ok, these are my chapters for my ShinnCagalli fiction, "Remember me?" Enjoy :)

Here you go:

Disclaimer: Don’t own Gundam Seed/ Destiny

A/N- Here it is. By the way, I have no idea what happens in a delivery room, so uh, please bear with me?

“It’s a girl Mrs. Hibiki.”
A smile broke out on the brunette’s pale tired face.

“C-can…I…see her?” She replied weakly. The women with blue hair nodded. “Yes, but don’t wear yourself out, alright? You’re really weak right now.” The brunette’s rosy lips curved again. “Of…course. But my…dearest…friend is here…if I do…right?” The doctor smiled, “Usually.”

The doctor brought the girl to her mother’s open arms. 2 mouths curved up, “She’s really small huh?” “All babies are, Via.” Via pressed her lips together, “But she seems really small. I hope she won’t be small in frame while growing up. Then she’d get bullied, Natarle!” Natarle sighed, “Via, I’m sure she’ll be fine. You have years to worry about that. Right now, just think of a name.”

“I suppose you’re right, as usual.” Natarle nodded, “You seem to have a lot more energy now. Do you want to wait for him or-“

“No. He doesn’t deserve this child. You didn’t call him or anything…right?” a flicker of fear shot through Via HIbiki’s eyes. Natarle lightly hit her on the head. “Of course since I felt like ruining your happiness.” She replied sarcastically. Via chuckled, “I should have seen that coming.” “Yes, yes you should have.”


That moron wanted to kill his daughter, ‘Abort the thing! We don’t want it!’ ‘I want it!’


Via shook her head when Natarle spoke, “What are you going to name her?” “Hmm…I’m thinking of Cagalli.” Natarle closed an eye in thought, “I don’t know anyone else with that name…it’s original.” “So be it.”

“It’s a boy, Asuka-san.”

Karen slumped back into the soft bed, thanking God for the safe delivery. They weren’t sure about this one, saying that he was too weak to survive. But her son sure showed them!

She raised her head a little to look at her delivering doctor.

“Thank you Ramius-san for taking my yelling…” Murrue laughed, “No, it should be me thanking you! For not throwing anything at me…” She shuddered slightly at her thoughts.

“Could I hold him?” Murrue widened her eyes a bit, “Oh! I almost forgot!” She took the child to his mother, “Did you want me to call Ken in?” “If it wouldn’t be any trouble…” She waved her hands, “Of course not.”

Karen smiled down at her child, “Welcome to our world little one. I’m going to make sure you stay happy.”

When she heard footsteps, Karen looked up and found her husband at the foot of the bed. He put on a flashing smile, “Thank you honey.” She closed her eyes and smiled, “hehe.”

Ken came up to the side of the bed, “Are you feeling alright though? I mean you did just give birth…” “I’m fine! Really!” He smiled in relief.

“So…what do we call him?” “How about Ken jr.?” “No.” “Alan?” “No.” “Thomas?” “No.” “Hayate?” “No…are you still watching Pretear?” Ken blushed, “Uhhh…how about Micale?” “No.” “What kind of name do you want?” “Well, I was thinking along the lines of Tsubak or maybe…Shinn.” “Uhh…I think I like Shinn better.”


Natarle looked down at the young girl in her arms, “You know, now you make me want a child…Why don’t you open your eyes? I smacked you but all you did was cry…geez.”

“You really want to start a family?” Natarle jumped and turned around quickly. “La Flaga!” He closed his eyes and grinned real big, “Mwu is fine Natarle.” “Natarle is not fine La Flaga.” He looked down and sighed, “You need to relax.” He now looked at her, “But do you seriously want to start a family?”

Natarle thought for a while before answering, “Yes, I really do.” “But would your schedule allow it?” “You know, you’re being such a hypocrite. You and Murrue want to start one as well right?” Mwu stumbled, “H-how did you know?”

Natarle rolled her eyes, “Murrue and I work together, remember?” “Right…right…” “So how would your schedule’s allow it? Murrue’s a full time doctor and you work here as a nurse.” He flapped his hand, “We’ll make it work…somehow.”

She made a face at him (Like this: ‘--)

“Natarle! Mwu!” The blonde male and blue female looked to their right. They saw Murrue striding over to them with a bundle in her hands.

“Yo.” Mwu looked at the bundle and then at Murrue,
“Not yours right?” She would have hit him on the head had she not been holding the boy.

“No, I’m on my way to the nursery right now. I’m guessing you’re going there too, Natarle?” She glanced at the bundle in her hands. Natarle nodded.

“What’s his name?”
“Her name is Cagalli Yula Hibiki.” Murrue chuckled nervously while Mwu held back a laugh. “I hope she doesn’t remember this…”
“Yeah, that would be bad…considering how she turns out, that is.”

“What’s this one’s name?”
“Shinn Asuka.”
“You know, you two should be going to the nursery now, everyone here is throwing us dirty looks.” Mwu observed.

Murrue looked around the waiting room and sure enough, some people were glaring at her, as though saying,
“You shouldn’t be socializing when there are people here that need care!”

They all exchanged nods and left to their destinations.


The two women found 2 empty cribs in the far corner of the room.

After depositing the babies, they left to for their duties.

Not long after they left, Shinn stirred in his sleep as did Cagalli.

The first thing Shinn saw in his life was auburn eyes


A/N- Yes, I know that babies’ eye colours are pinkish when they are born but I thought I could bend realityness of it…

Oh and by the way, I’m trying to centre my fics around those characters that you don’t see much of.

Eg. Fllay, Shani, Orga, etc. So please don’t count on seeing Kira, Lacus, Dearka, Miriallia, Yzak, etc.

Disclaimer: Don’t own Gundam Seed/Destiny

“Cagalli, stay here okay? Don’t move, I’ll be right back. I need to go find Natarle. Be right back.” Via said to her 5 year old daughter.

“O-K!” Little Cagalli saluted her mother. When Via left, the blonde child hauled herself up on one of the plush chairs in the waiting room.

She looked around the room. There weren’t a lot of people here today, unlike last week. Last week was what Mwu-chan called a ‘living hell.’ There were a lot of people screaming and crying.

She smiled, ‘That must mean that there aren’t that many sick people anymore!’ She then threw her little arms in the air and screamed out a “Yay!” Which caught a little attention from people nearby, some smiled at the cute kid and some frowned.

She blushed and quickly looked at the floor. She didn’t like it when people starred at her.

Cagalli was bored. B-O-A-R-D, bored! Was that how you spell it? Oh well.

She turned herself on the seat so her stomach was on the seat. Then she slid off and left the waiting room. Her mother didn’t make her promise, so it meant that she was off to explore!

Unknown to her, a pair of eyes were watching her leave.

“I want a child.” A man, who had his eyes shut, snapped them open. He turned his head to the brunette beside him.
“Tailia, we already talked about this.”
“I want one.” “You know, you sound like a spoiled child. A child is too much work. Didn’t you hear the mother of that one say, ‘Don’t move?’” Tailia looked at him.
“Gil, why didn’t you say anything!”
“Because it’s not our problem. Do you really want a child that won’t listen to you?”

Tailia frowned at the black haired man.
“I will give them lots of love so they will listen to me. I. Want. A. Child.” He gave up.
“Fine, alright, we’ll have one. But don’t blame me when you get tired of it.” Tailia merely smiled in triumph.

‘Those flowers are pretty.’ Shinn looked through the window. No one would miss him if he went out right? His dad was preoccupied with his mom because apparently he was about to get a ‘sibling.’

He didn’t know what that was but he hoped whatever it was, it would be fun.

So, little Shinn wondered into the garden of the hospital.

As soon as he got there, he bent over a rose and was about to pick it when a voice stopped him.

“Careful.” Shinn would have jumped had he been a girl, but since he wasn’t; he merely looked behind his shoulder. He saw a little boy around his age with green hair. He was holding a book in one hand while another was stuffed in his jean pocket.

Shinn blinked a couple of times before turning away.
“Why?” The other boy smiled a bit and tilted his head to the side.
“You were reaching for a rose. Even the most beautiful one has a bad side.” The boy reached and plucked it carefully. He handed it to Shinn.
“What’s your name?”

Shinn played with the dirt with his left shoe. He had his hands clasped together behind his back and looked down.
“Shinn. What’s yours?”
“My name is Orga. Pleased to meet you.” He held out his free hand and Shinn took it cautiously.

Orga closed his eyes and smiled, ‘What a shy boy.’

“Orga-chan!” Orga looked up from his book. He and Shinn were sitting on a bench near the flowers.

“Cagalli-chan. When did you arrive?”
“Umm…” She scrunched her face up and thought. Finally she held up all her fingers,
“More minutes than this. I was B-O-A-R-D!” She said in an innocent voice. Orga chuckled,
“B-O-R-E-D.” Cagalli tilted her head,

“That’s how you spell bored.”
“Ohhhh…Orga-chan, you’re so smart! And you are only 1 year bigger than me! I hope I will be as smart as you.” Cagalli’s eyes had admiration for the 6 year old.

“Well, you are starting kindergarten soon, so I’m sure you’ll learn new things.”

The 6 year old boy turned to the one beside him.
“What about you Shinn?” Shinn, who had been watching Cagalli’s eyes the entire time, jerked his head towards his new friend.

“I…I’m going to be in kindergarten in Sempemba…” He mumbled. Cagalli’s eyes widen in happiness.
“Me too! What school are you going to?”
“…S.H. Academy.” Cagalli was disappointed,
“Oh, I am going to St. Hawk’s elementary.” Shinn was a little disappointed too, from what Lunamaria told him, the two schools were far apart.

Via kicked herself mentally. How could she forgot to make Cagalli promise that she would stay?

All she did was go look for Natarle and Cagalli went missing.

Natarle could sense the women’s frustration.
“Why don’t we go check the garden? Orga is over there.” Via stopped and made a 180 degree turn.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” Natarle smirked but made no comment.

“Daddy, are we meeting new people today? I like meeting people.” A six year old Fllay Allster asked her dad, George. The man smiled down at her.

“Daddy’s going to be meeting new people, not you, ok sweetie?”
“Then what will I do?”
“Why don’t you go find some other kids to play with?” Fllay smiled and left her dad’s hand.

“Don’t go to far Fllay!” He semi-yelled at his young daughter.

George looked ahead and found the 2/3 people he was looking for. They were up ahead, talking to each other.

“Murrue-san, Mwu-san.” The 2 looked at him with surprise.

Fllay had wondered over to the garden. This place seemed a lot happier than inside anyway and that was how she liked it.

She noticed 3 kids playing and decided that she wanted to play with them.

She walked up to the one with green hair, “Hi. My name is Fllay, can I play with you?”
“Um…ok, my name is Orga.”

Cagalli stopped running when she saw the girl and grabbed Shinn by the hand, running over to the girl.

“HI! My name is Cagalli! This is Shinn! We’re both 5 years old! We’re going to start school soon!” Shinn merely mumbled a hi.

Fllay blinked twice. “Hello Cagalli-chan, Shinn-chan. My name is Fllay!”
“Want to play with us, Fllay-chan?”

So the game of hide-and-seek commenced.

Via finally found her daughter in the garden, sleeping on the bench with 3 other children. Natarle chuckled, “Well, looks like someone tired herself out.”
“Yes…but who are the other 2 children?”
“I do believe that is Allster’s daughter.”
“Oh…I see.”

They walked over quietly to the sleeping children and picked up Orga and Cagalli. Natarle smiled at her adopted son. ‘I’m glad you’re my son.’

Via’s voice snapped her back to reality. “Natarle, what do we do with these two?”
“I don’t think George would be too happy if we left his daughter out here. Let’s stay with them ne?”
“Alright, I’d be worried if I was their mother.”

So Natarle and Via took a seat. Via placed Cagalli and Shinn’s head on her lap while Natarle had Fllay and Orga.

Subconsciously, Cagalli reached over and took Shinn’s hand and mumbled:

“We’ll be together forever.”

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam SEED/Destiny

“LET’S GO EAGLES!” Fllay Allster cheered with her mini-squad. There was a soccer match against the Academy’s bulls and so far, the Eagles were winning.
Orga looked at the girl and wondered how she could be so loud. He looked around and saw a quiet spot under a tree not so far away. Picking up his recent book, he went there.

Orga nestled into the grass and started to read when,

“Oi!” He sighed and put down his book. ShaniOakley came running up to him, his black coat flying behind him. “Orga! Where the heck have you been?”

Orga sighed again, “Shani-kun, why don’t you take off your head phones, then we’ll talk.” Shani looked a little confused for a second and took off his beautiful headphones. “What’d you say? I couldn’t hear you cuz I had my phone’s on. My brother got it for me! Aren’t they cool?” Shani showed Orga his new black and sleek looking headphones.

“COME ON EAGLES! DEFENSE!” Orga cringed and Shani looked over to the pink haired cheerleader. “Orga, how do girls scream so loud?” He was awfully confused.
“Hmmm…I don’t know Shani-kun. Why don’t you ask Fllay-chan when she finishes?”
“EEEEEEEWWWWWWW! Ask a girl? Are you okay?”

Orga didn’t see what was so bad with girls. He had many friends that were girls, like Fllay and Cagalli for example. “What’s wrong with girls, Shani-kun?” Shani looked as though Orga said he was going to kill him.

“What WRONG with girls? They have cooties!”
“…” Orga watched as Shani ranted on,
“-and they make guys turn like them! Like just yesterday, I saw a guy…kissing another guy!...Oh no! Orga! You’re becoming like them!” Orga’s eyes turned into little dots.

“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, first off, you’re calling me Shani-kun. Second, you’re so heckin’ polite! Ladies first, Mrs. Lee.” Orga snickered at Shani’s impression of him; Shani was pretending to open a door and then curtsied.
“First, guys bow, not curtsey and second, would you rather have me call you Shani-chan?” Shani cringed.
“Relax Shani-kun. I only call you that because I respect you and you are my friend.”

Orga went back to his book and Shani put on his headphones again.
“Oh, and” Orga looked up and the other boy looked at him.
“Girls do not have cooties.”

Cagalli walked along the school grounds with 2 water bottles in hand. She turned her head that way and this way, hoping to find the per son she was looking for.
“Cagalli!” She stopped mid-step and twisted her upper body around. Her mouth widened into a smile.

“Nicol!” She watched as her best friend ran up to her,
“Cagalli, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Haha, sorry but I went to get water for us.’ She rubbed her neck while holding the 2 bottles in her other hand.

“Mahh…thank you Cagalli! You’re the best!” She smiled and gave him on of the bottles. The blonde watched as the boy drank half the bottle in one gulp.
“Have you seen Orga around?” Withdrawing the bottle from his mouth, he answered.

“Sorry, buy I haven’t. I have been with the team ever since this morning.” Cagalli frowned,
“Are they making you do their work again?” By this she meant if they were making her small friend carry the equipment around and other things.

Nicol knew it was best not to answer. Despite being a 10 year old girl, Cagalli could pack quite a punch. He scanned the ground, looking for a distraction. He found one.

“Fllay-chan!” He waved to a girl wearing a total purple and gold outfit. She looked over to them after she purchased her pop.

“CAGALLI! NICOL-KUN!” Cagalli’s frown turned upside down as soon as she saw the pink haired girl running towards them.
“Fllay! How did the cheerleading thing go?”

Fllay put her pop down on the grass and clapped her hands. “It’s going great! You should join too!” Cagalli shook her head,
“Sorry Fllay, it’s not my thing. I rather play sports then cheer, no offence.” Fllay pouted,
“You should give it a try.” The blonde decided to change the subject.
“Have you seen Orga?”
“Yup! He went under a tree to read his book! Let’s go talk to him since I’m on a break.”

Cagalli nodded and turned to Nicol. “Let’s go.”
“B-but I need to go to the team…” Cagalli raised an eyebrow and grabbed Nicol’s collar and dragged him away from the sidelines.

“Ahh!” Orga looked up to Shani and followed his gaze to Fllay, Cagalli, and Nicol who were walking up to them. Well, in Nicol’s case, being dragged.
“ORGA! SHANI!” Shani lunged behind Orga, in hopes of hiding behind the other boy.

Orga smiled at his friends, even though Shani, Orga, and Fllay were a year older, they were all still good friends. With the exception of Shani and Fllay, of course.

Cagalli plopped beside Orga and let Nicol’s collar go. Nicol sat there, rubbing his neck, putting in a ‘yes’ now and then while the three talked.

Cagalli looked behind Orga and saw that Shani was hiding from Fllay. Too bad Fllay didn’t get the message. She crawled over to Shani and tried to talk but all that was one Shani’s mind was
‘get away from the girl or you’ll be infected.’ Cagalli watched in amusement as Shani ran away from her and she chased after him. Orga rolled his eyes and went back to his book while Nicol watched the game.

Shinn hit the ground hard. An Eagle player tackled him and it hurt.
His coach let him sit off the rest of the game, since there was only 20 minutes left. Shinn decided to explore this new place.

Since he wasn’t watching where he was going, he ran into a boy with green hair, who was running very fast. “umph!” They both fell down.

“I’m sorry, are you alright?” The other boy glared at him,
“What do you think? I’m about to get cooties and here you are knocking people down!”
“SHANI-KUN! WAIT FOR ME!” Shani’s eyebrow twitched and he ran off again. Shinn watched as a pink haired girl-whom he recognized as a cheerleader- ran after him.

“Hey, are you alright?” Shinn looked to see a hand extended out to him. He looked up to the person’s face and didn’t see much…except for blonde hair…and very familiar eyes.

Disclaimer: Don’t own Gundam Seed or Destiny

Shinn accepted the hand that was offered to him.

The first thing he said to her was, “I like your eyes. Auburn is my favourite colour.” He could tell that she wasn’t expecting that comment by the way she raised her eyebrows. Remembering his manners, Shinn added a thanks.

“Umm…thanks and you’re welcome?” She said after getting over his comment.
“Are you one of the Academy’s players?” He nodded and guessed that she could probably tell from his red and white uniform and black cleats.

“Yes, I am. Do you go to St. Hawks?” She nodded this time and he realized that he didn’t know her name.
“What’s your name?”

“I’m Cagalli, you?”

Shinn closed his eyes, “I’ve heard that name before…”

Cagalli shook her head, “Nope, you couldn't have,my mommy says that no one has the same name as me and Natarle-san says that too. Oh and I didn’t get your name.”

“I’m Shinn Asuka.”

The two children starred at each other for a while before Shani interrupted them. He looked like he had run a few miles…which he probably did to escape Fllay.

Huff Huff “Man, I didn’t know girls could run so fast!” Cagalli broke the starring contest and looked at the older boy. His left head phone was on his shoulder while the other one was on his ear. She could also see dark spots on his yellow t-shirt, which Cagalli assumed to be sweat.

“You better believe it Shani, we girls can run very fast” Shani tilted his head, “We? Aren’t you a boy?” He saw Cagalli’s eyebrow twitch and the next thing he knew, Shani was on his back, starring at puffy white clouds.

10 year old Cagalli ran off and Shinn decided to follow after about 2 minutes.

Orga and Nicol’s faces came into view from either side.

“Cagalli-chan is a girl by the way.” Orga said and Nicol nodded. Shani blinked.

“No way.”

Cagalli’s run slowed down to a walk. “Stupid Shani, I knew he wasn’t observant, but what an idiot!” she mumbled. She heard footsteps and turned around to see Shinn coming up to her.

“You really do run fast.” The blonde frowned.

“Did you think that I was a boy too?” He shook his head,
“Of course not. It was obvious that you are a girl.” He added the last part to be nice and hoped that she didn’t notice it.

Luckily she didn’t.

“Thank you Shinn.” She gave him a weak smile. He rubbed his neck.

“Do you want to watch the rest of the game with me?” She nodded.

They found a seat by the sidelines where a lot of other people were seating. A girl with black hair turned around and saw Cagalli. She smiled, flashing white.

“Cagalli!” The blonde looked directly in front of her to see the person who had yelled out to her. She let out a quiet sigh before saying anything.

“I didn’t know that you would be here Meer.” The older girl crawled over to Cagalli’s right side. “Mom talked dad into letting me come. He said I had to be home by 5 though.”

Shinn glanced at the watch of some guy sitting next to him. “Sorry to interrupt…but it’s already 4:45…” Meer leaned back to see who was talking.

“Who are you?” Shinn blinked,
“My name is Shinn.”

Meer leaned back to her normal sitting position and whispered to Cagalli, “Is that your boyfriend?” Cagalli blinked,
“Yes, why?” Mia smirked,
“I see, anyway, I should get home now.” As she stood up to leave, she winked at Shinn,
“Bye guys!”

After a final wave, she skipped off to the direction of her house.

‘What a weird girl. Why does she make such a big deal over things like that? Nicol, Shani and Orga are my boyfriends too.’

Orga, Nicol, and Shani looked around the soccer field for Cagalli and the other boy.

Well, more like Orga dragged Shani by the ear and Nicol followed.

“You’re going to have to apologize to Cagalli-chan, Shani-kun.”
“Oww! Orga, let go! You’ve been dragging me around for the past God knows how long!”

“Uh…10 minutes…” Nicol put in timidly. Shani glared at the younger boy.

Orga stopped suddenly,
“I found her, let’s go.” He gave a tug to Shani’s ear, making him cry out in pain.

Sure enough, the other two saw Cagalli walking and talking with the other boy. They were coming towards them without knowing it.

“Cagalli-chan, Shani has something to say to you.” He let go of his ear and pushed him in front lightly. After seeing that Shani was hesitant to apologize, Orga did the most out of character thing possible. He kicked Shani’s backside.

After Shani felt pressure and pain, words came out of his mouth. “CagalliImsorryIthoughtyouwereaboy! Ihopeyoucanforgivemeforthinkingso!”

It took Cagalli a while to figure out what Shani said. “Oh, umm…that’s ok…I guess…” She had lost all of her previous rage, so there was nothing left to use to yell at him.

Shani sighed and turned to Orga, “Happy?” Cagalli turned her gaze to Orga as well and secretly smiled at him. Orga returned the smile with a little nod and looked over to Shinn.

“We haven’t met properly,” he grinned,
“My name is Orga.”

“I’m Shinn.”

Orga frowned, “Shinn? As in Shinn Asuka?” Shinn nodded and Orga let out a knowing smile.
“Well, seems like this is our second meeting…maybe there’s more to come.” Orga said the last part more to himself than to the others.

Shinn was bemused, ‘Second meeting?’

“ASUKA! WHERE ARE YOU?” Shinn snapped his head to his coach.

“It was nice meeting you all; I hope we meet again someday.” He waved to them all and ran towards his coach.

Cagalli searched the parking lot. It had been 10 minutes since she last saw Shinn, so she assumed that he didn’t leave yet.

She grinned when she found him talking to another blonde boy on the other side of the parking lot. It looked like they were packingsome items intoa black mini-van.Cagalli rantowards him. “Shinn!” She hoped her voice would be loud enough to reach him.

Shinn turned his head over to Cagalli, who was running towards him. He, in turn, ran up to her. They met in the middle of the parking lot.

Cagalli held out her palm. He looked down and saw a pendant of a pink stone in her hand. He heard from his mother that the stone was lucky.“For you.”

He was hesitant to take it butshe pushed her palm towardshim. Shinntook it from her and fastened it around his neck. “Thank you Cagalli, but why are you giving it to me?”

She put her hands behind her back and looked over to the side, the wind ruffling her blonde hair,

“In hopes of meeting again.”

fanfiction, gundam seed destiny, cagalli x shinn, chaptered

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