100 chances

Dec 01, 2005 23:26

This this is my first time writing something with kira/cagalli without the sibling relation.
Kinda wondering how it'll turn out.

Author/Artist: whitelilies
Fandom:Gundam Seed/Destiny
Theme: #19-Scars
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny or any of its characters.
Warnings: Spoilers, major ones. From most of Seed to begginning of Destiny

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Seed/Destiny

“Does it hurt?”

It wasn’t a physical one but the point was that it was there.

It didn’t matter if no one else could see it because she didn’t think that anyone else would care.

It wasn’t their problem…it was her own.

It was that fact that made her feel as though she wasn’t human.

It made her feel like she was the perfect being. The woman that was to lead Orb like her father before her.

It also made her feel venerable.

It was the emotion scar that the war had left behind on her mind.

She didn’t know what to do.

She lost her father, her friends and majority of Orb.

She was confused and hurt.

She had Kiska…but there was only so much he could do. He had other responsibilities.

She had someone to take care of her though and she was happy…even if it was brief.

She then grew closer to the one had said that he would protect her.

She sometimes pondered…did her heart really belong to the latter?


He held her heart.

He was the one that she had met first.

He was the one that saved her by pushing her into the shelter.

He was the one she met again as a Desert Dawn Rebel.

He was the one that she had comforted during her time with the Archangel earlier on. She had told the boy that it was ok to cry.

He was the one she called an idiot and ran towards him and the other. She really was glad that amethyst-eyed boy was alright.

He was the one that she looked for when the Archangel docked at Orb. That boy was the one that she literally threw herself on to. He was the one she shed tears for first.

That was when she realized that she harboured feelings for the boy.

But nothing could ever go right for her. Fate didn’t think taking her father was enough.

The boy that she cared for…

Was in fact her, long lost brother.

“Does it hurt?”

Her auburn eyes looked back at the boy beside her. The ocean wind blew through her hair as she locked her eyes on his.

She looked away, knowing that that kind of look was forbidden.

She knew that his gaze was on her as she turned and walked away in her Representative uniform. Tears were starting to well up at the corners of her eyes.

No matter how they looked at it, theirs’ was a love that no one would approve of…no one.

Why bother to ask such a question?

They both loved each other but that thing called Fate had ripped her life apart even more.

Fate was something that she didn’t believe in anymore.

Of course it hurt…it hurt not being to stay with the one that she could call her own. It hurt that they both had other people to go to. It hurt that they would continue to stay as siblings for the rest of their lives.

Before she left the deck of the Archangel, she took one last longing look at the boy.

He was still watching her, fists clenched and a scowl present.

Cagalli whispered, hoping that the wind would carry her words over to her first love:

“You should know how much it hurts…Kira.”

cagalli x kira, fanfiction, gundam seed destiny, one-shots, one-shot, 100 chances

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