The pain is rather bad today. Some of you may know and some of you may not know I had a car accident in July last year, the 24th of July 2008 to be exact.
This put me in hospital with no serious injuries aka no broken bones but internal bruising. The hospital also used me as a pin cushion, I have deep veins and they couldn't get a line in, not even from my wrist which is the closest to the surface, they even tried the femoral vein in my groin, and missed. I totaled the car but it wasn't my fault, I was hit from behind and spun into oncoming traffic, was hit on the left hand side near the fuel tank and stopped in the driveway where I was trying to go 6 inches away from a tree.
All these months later and I am still suffering from the effects of the accident. I have hyper mobility,which means my joints can slip in and out with ease, I did some damage to my shoulder a year before the accident and to this day it can come out whenever I put to much strain on it.
The pain is situated in the ribs on the left hand side of my chest, just under my breast. From time to time it flairs up and it feels like I am being stabbed. I am seeing a physiotherapist and a pain management specialist about it. Yesterday I went to physio and found that I was unable to lie flat on my belly without excruciating pain and the inability to take a breath in without screaming, I still cannot lie on my stomach and it is 24 hours later. Sleep last night was not nice but I got some anyway. I try not to take pain killers because I know what they can do to your liver and kidneys with long term use.
Today is a day where I am not coping with anything or anyone very well, I was crying at work and on my way to work, something I never do and I really didn't want to be working today.
If it seem like I am being overly bitchy and down on myself you have the reason why. Tomorrow may be better but for so long as I am in this amount of pain don't expect me to be my normal self, i sure as hell will try to be but their is no guarentee. Some people may say suck it up, but I have sucked it up, the bag is overflowing today.