Nov 14, 2005 21:50
I want to spend money at MAC and buy new colorful eyeshadows. It's probably me struggling to grasp at the past femininity I used to care way more about. I don't even wear eyemakeup most of the time. I haven't plucked my eyebrows in a while. I wear boyish canvas sneakers. It's great. Trying to maintain a past addiction for whatever's sake.
I hadn't been skateboarding in a while, but Amber and I went tonight. It's a cold clear starry night and a fullish moon. There were bunches of other skateboarders out, all boys of course... but encouraging nonetheless. I'm a bit skiddish from falling a few weeks ago: the sensation of the board slipping out from under me and then my body sliding along wet leaves is too prominent still.
I just...
need sleep tonight.
Some days are so full of activity I'm worn out and I keep going a bit further, staying up a bit longer, and I'm physically droopy and mentally drippy, but not even for too long. And goddamn MSN messenger kicks me off spontaneously and interrupts my conversations with friends from home.
Must sleep, rest, cease, still, be.