Title: Evolution Not Fully Understood
elrhiarhodanFandom: White Collar
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Peter Burke (as a human), Elizabeth Burke (as a tiger), Neal Caffrey (as a seal point Siamese cat), Mozzie (human and as something completely different), Satchmo (thankfully, as a dog). Implied Peter/Elizabeth/Neal (when they're human).
Spoilers: Seriously?
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: Crack
Word Count: ~700
Beta Credit: I wouldn't dare inflict this on any of my friends.
Summary: Apparently, Mozzie lost track of the second full moon that month. And he keeps experimenting with his bee pollen concoctions. It's up to Peter to take care of things.
A/N: Although Peter is a were-lammergeyer, he transforms at the dark of the moon, not during a full moon. Title from a certain Wikipedia entry.
Also, prompted by the ever-enabling
sinfulslasher. She is, as always, to blame for the utter ridiculousness of these stories.
Peter scrubbed his face, stared at the mammal asleep on the sofa and wished he could ask his wife for some guidance. )