Title: This Tracy/Hepburn Thing
china_shopRating: R
Genre and/or Pairing: Sara/Mozzie (background Neal/Peter/Elizabeth established relationship)
Spoilers: 6.06
Warnings: None
Word count: ~10,700 words
Notes: Many thanks to
mergatrude and
sherylyn for beta. This is part of my
Waltz 'verse, but can stand alone.
Summary: "Before we do this-" Mozzie broke away to say, "-can we agree that it's a terrible idea, neither of us is the other's type, and no one can ever find out. Especially not Neal."
"Definitely not Neal," echoed Sara, and yanked Mozzie close again by his blue patterned shirt. Then it was her turn to pull back. "Wait, why am I not your type?"
This Tracy/Hepburn Thing (on AO3)