Jul 25, 2007 16:21
so i dont care about writing anything detailed in this thing anymore. im just logging what happened this summer cause i had a long summer and i havent been home at all
early 2wk summer tour with Party Garbage (dont remember the dates)
Summary: it was all around fun, partying, friends, adderall consumtion at an all time high. lew wrecked the van in Chicago really bad and then it eventually was totalled.
Ended: our 700$ craigslist van finally broke down in Mobile, AL, got towed to FL, we played our last show of tour and rented a car and drove to austin overnight
Why I had fun: my band is laid back and it was our first tour, we went through alot of shit with the van, every night was a party, met lots of cool people, first time going to alot of cool cities
jams: naked raygun, violent femmes, fyp, hickey
1 month long total abuse tour. June 7th-July 8th
Summary: it had solid moments but was kinda stressful, band fighting, never ending gear problems, dangerously long drives, people brought their GF's along at times so too many people in the van, and shit it was overall a weird tour
End: our rental van (2000+ dollars) ran fine and made it back to austin after 28 hour drive from LA
Why I Had Fun: met lots of cute girls, met cool people, wound up with some good records, hung out with Angel, hung out with Duncan, went to NYC for the first time, saw a few good bands, got to go to the Twin Peaks diner in Snoqualmie and ate pie and coffee
jams: that one essential logic song, ZZ top, necros "tarnished words", coast to coast AM talk shows
mauled by tigers july 17-22
we toured up and played 2 shows in Tulsa and Carbondale, then played 3 times in chicago, once by accident when we got asked to open for the bananas because another band dropped off the bill
End: we had 2 blowouts in North Texas in drew's 94 Cutlass so we had to sleep in a walmart parking lot waiting for the garage to open delaying our ride home by a day.
Why it was fun: got way too wasted every night and met a cute girl, got to see some of my favorite bands in fun settings, met new people
jams: sean kingston, "Ay Bay Bay", rhianna - umbrella, oldies station, talk radio
i have been gone almost 2 1/2 months this summer. i am glad i got away from austin for a while, everyone needs to do that sometimes. especially in the summertime, when all there is to do is party and bullshit.
overall, tours cool cause you can leave your problems at home and then make new ones somewhere else