(no subject)

May 18, 2016 23:26

Tonight I finally picked up the phone and contacted theatre friends long left by the wayside and missed from my theatre days. I hadn't seen any of them since 2002. They were kind of my second adoptive family. In fact, the last time I saw any of them was at Nanna's funeral, when the gut punches that happened there kind of destroyed the last of who I used to be, really.

So I fell down a social hole. Followed through with club stuff. Had my nervous breakdown. Got out. And have spent every year since then going I should call, I should call, I should call. But it's really easy to believe that people won't want to hear from you if you inadvertently dropped them like hot potatoes years beforehand, right?

Tonight I was curled up with my cat and marvelling on how young she looked when she'll be 16 this year, and the phone was right next to me, and the thought of they GAVE me this cat crossed my mind, and just like that I picked up the phone and called one. And got a resultant, "KJ? Oh my god!!" thrown back.

I've now spent two hours talking to various people and picked up the threads of their lives, and it feels like coming home to a family that never forgot me. Especially as one of those phone calls ended with "KJ?" "Yes?" "I love you."

Haven't heard that since... Nanna's funeral.

I should have called them so much earlier. Soooo...

...I'm sort of crying, but in a good way?
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