Jul 21, 2005 08:53
alright so i'm new at this optimist thing, cut me a break. Here's how I'm going to try to start everyday this week, notice how we're only doing this one day, one week at a time. Nothing with too much pressure. Weening myself off the pessimism lol. anyway, as i was saying. I'm going to try to start the day as best I can be as productive as I can, but not rushed. Need to cut down on anxiety level- apparently that shit shortens life spans. anyway
here goes.
Today will be awesome. Maybe mrs. Walkers back, its time for my anual raise sometime in the next two weeks and we can all talk about that promotion. Jay will be there and if nothing else he always makes me smile....
three things I never want to change about myself
1. the ability to listen
2. my height
3. over romanticism... kay so its a little over the top but i enjoy it so there!
three things i want to improve
1. talking/input
2. blunt... not too much cause i like it and its me but i could tone it down a bit
3. i want to be able to look in a mirror and see whats there, not everything I don't like magnified. I want to see what everyone else sees