For those Howl fans still floating around my LJ, I posted chapter 23 of A Woman True and Fair last night, keeping to my earliest deadline after all. I usually link you to to read, but that version has a few glitches I'll need to fix with a chapter replacement tonight. Instead, check out the most current version at
conesoldstober here.
I can promise the next chapter by Yule. I know that's a long time, but school is getting to that point, and being my last semester and all... It might be earlier, but don't count on it.
Last night, my oral exam was...D:
It's funny, actually, I was trying to put together the words for what happened in my head when I walked in to take it, and then I was reading over the chapter(s) in HMC during which AWTaF 23 occurs and I found DWJ had described it perfectly. In fact, the words I'd been looking for were probably an unconscious attempt to duplicate the line from HMC: a roaring white blank of stagefright.
It really was. Of course I understood everything she said, and I answered correctly each time but once (and even then, I chose the right ko-so-a-do, I just brainfarted on the ending). But I didn't add in all of the little extras she's taught us and was no doubt looking for.
Also, I've developed this horrible habit of mumbling in Japanese. Somehow, it's the final result of my trying to find a more 'Japanese' way of speaking. No doubt it mostly comes of vaguely imitating the Korean girls in my class, who of course have perfect pronunciation and these meek little polite Asian girl voices.
I briefly considered pitching my voice higher in that...way for the exam, but I decided not to a) because I don't do it in class and haven't practiced, and b) because sensei might think I was mocking her or something (though she doesn't pitch her voice high either). I end up with a decent pronunciation and tone that's unintelligible at times. Grr.
Considering the little things I left out and the one glaring mistake I can recall, I probably got a B-/C+. Unless she grades on a curve, in which case I got an A (most of my class sucks). The one comfort for me in getting such a low grade is that, if I'd been in Japan actually conversing with someone, they would have been able to understand everything I said just fine (even with the one big mistake I made).
One nice thing about having the exam the way we did was that the class got to bond while we were awaiting our turn. We just kind of sat around, babbling nervously and getting to know one another--which we don't really have time to do during class, in spite of retarded conversational exercises. Most of the class don't even know one another's first names, considering, so there was a lot of, "Okay, what's your real name?" last night. XD
Some of my classmates, though, just need to be beaten with sticks in general, and socializing with them is 9_9 There's the one rude-ass Chinese girl who, when I came out and was babbling nervously about having made one big mistake I was aware of (and no doubt many more I wasn't) went off on me because she "made 6 or 7" and probably failed. I just about gave it right back to her. "Well, if you weren't so fucking LAZY..." But I didn't. The sad part is, even not trying she does fairly well. Once you have two languages, it's all easier. She'd be fine if she actually cared and did the work.
And then there's the guy I hate for no reason. I think he had Japanese in high school or something, because he knows the literal translations of advanced phrases and often just rattles stuff off in his apathetic, lazy way. Last night he decided to show us all how smart he was by talking about how the word 'kawaii' implies weak, though it means cute. Then he and the rude Chinese girl were talking about the ganja cookies he had in his bag and how strong they were and how many his friend had made and how long it'd been since she'd had one and blah blah. I wanted to punch them in the head, but whatever.
I also managed to miss one of the sheets of homework that was due, so it was a lovely evening overall as far as failing at school goes. Written midterm tomorrow. Yay. At least I test well on paper.
When I got home, I managed to finish chapter 23 enough that I didn't feel bad posting it. I would've only run it through 2 or 3 more quick revisions given more time.
Then I got in an hour in Halloween Town, though I was pretty much too tired to appreciate it by then. I'd totally forgotten how long those cutscenes are. I think they must be some of the longest apart from Ansem's speeches and the fucking pointless ones at Disney Castle. So mostly I just sat there going "duh" and pondering NBC and how many Burton fans would piss themselves to see the graphics and extra scenes in KH. But most goths are too cool for children's video games, I think. XD
By the time Max settled in my lap to help me play (he did this for my entire first run of the game - magickal cat powerZ!) I was annoyed with the plot and so tired, I was just running around the landscape like an ass, hitting the Sora!cam button and staring at random things. Dude, Jack looks really scary up close. He rhythmically opens and shuts his jaw like he's gonna eat you. And I actually scared the crap out of myself once doing Sora!cam in front of Halloween Town!Goofy, so we won't talk about that. Max was sad, but I decided to turn off the PS2 and get some sleep at that point.
And I didn't miss too much (sleep). Yes, I did fall asleep on the train this morning and nearly miss my stop, but that was just laziness on my part.
Got the random urge to reread His Dark Materials this morning. Think I will.
I also want to start bringing my GBA on the train again to play CoM. I have some kind of weird KH withdrawal going on lately. Not quite enough to actually play KH2 (yuck, KH2), but almost. Maybe next month.