Right now I want to go to Halloween Town and run around for an hour or two so bad. DX
Of course, I'm up against two midterms and a writing deadline, so that's not going to happen if I want to sleep.
T_T Halloween Tooooooooooooooooooown *sad grabby hands*
Crap, I just got an idea for an Ansem/Riku ficlet in Halloween Town, too. Pre-
A Dream of Blood and Moonlight. T_T Curse you, deadlines. Curse you a lot.
Speaking of, this next chapter of A Woman True and Fair needs more work than the last few did. This either means I will be posting it late (though Samhain isn't till Sunday, suckers) or I will be posting it rough. Probably a bit of both.
Last night, I stumbled home from school around 11, fed the cats and myself and did my homework before trying to look over the next chapter. It's so rough, but a couple of the lines are good, regardless, and I found myself sitting in front of the computer giggling and reading further than I needed to until I was ready to pass out in my chair.
What I should do is just keep revising once I've done one chapter for posting. I keep interrupting my flow. Ugh. And the draft just gets rougher and rougher as I spun myself so thin toward the end of wrimo last year.
Oh well. I'll be good about it next year when I'm going to school for fun and can skip my homework as I please.
Tonight, I have my oral midterm exam in Japanese.
Morituri salutamus.