Haha, I'm watching Harry Potter. And I'm eating pizza. You know. But I'm too tired to be up. Sucks.
Today was really sunny... so we went for a little
We left the house and drove down Cushman street.
This is where the world famous Iditarod starts! Who cares though. Uh oh! Frozen River!
That's a church.
We drove out past the Birch Hill Cemetary...
... And out to the ice towers! ( you can see one poking above the trees )
They were huge, (150 ft.) and they looked like deiley's.
And the pipeline was across the street!
We drove out further.
And came to a fork in the road!
We were welcomed at my cousin Andrew's house.
... where we looked at trees!
And an old truck!
It was really sunny.
The ice towers shined on the way back into town.
We drove on 'Gumby Road'!! It looks like Gumby.
We drove behind a slow, ugly van, who seconds later; ran that light after it turned red.
The King and Queen of the Ice Carnival sat in those ice thrones... ICE CABIN!!!!!!!!
The End.