My body, given up for you

Nov 20, 2011 13:46

Written: 2-3 Nov 2011.
Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, background Castiel/Dean and OT4 (no cheating).
Rating: R, edging towards NC-17 for non-con references.
Length: c. 3300.
Warnings: Non-con and dub-con references early on.
Notes: Originally posted for anonymous kinkmeme at spn-gabriel. A little revised since then ( Read more... )

2000-5000, dean/gabriel, castiel/dean, supernatural, castiel/dean/gabriel/sam, fanfic

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Comments 7

slvrcrystalc November 30 2011, 18:58:46 UTC
Your fics are awesome, seriously. You really get to the emotional heart of the subject.
Of course Cas would never take, he loves Dean too much, and of course Dean would have to be hit up the head with it before he ever even notices he's not really being fair to Cas. And of course Gabriel would be the one to push the lesson home. Squeeeeeee~ =D


whit_merule November 30 2011, 19:30:24 UTC
Thank you. :) Yes, they really do have an impressive amount of stupid between them, for such bright lads! Gabriel himself is hardly a model of noticing these things when it comes to himself either, for that matter...


l_niania May 17 2012, 14:10:54 UTC
First of all I'm so glad you decided to post this one. I admit in the beginning I had some problems following the story line but that's maybe just due to my lacking English skills and your sophisticated writing... Don't get me wrong I love that your sentences are way more complex than the average fanfic sentence! ;) Anyway, when I got to the end of this I was just flailing about how perfect this fic is. Dominance and submission in sexual relationship is kind of very difficult topic for me, so I tend to avoid D/s fics. But the way you described and balanced power and trust, closeness and vulnerability between Dean, Gabriel and Castiel was amazing and so very much in character! Of course Dean would have trouble opening up so completely after all he's been through not just hell, but he's craving it at the same time. He always wanted to give all of himself to and for the ones he loves but he's learned to never ever trust. Of course Cas wouldn't take him there. He's way to protective, careful and inexperienced with human feelings. He just ( ... )


whit_merule May 17 2012, 23:10:47 UTC
I re-read this fic last week (after not having dared read it since I first posted it, ie, having pretty much forgotten most of what happens in it), and actually had some difficulty following it myself. :) But I actually quite like that - what happens isn't clearly specified, just what it means to them, the emotional content of it. It becomes sort of impressionistic, and while it could maybe be a little clearer, I quite like the effect it ends up with.

Not that it was really intentional, what with being all feverish and not awake at the time of writing!

I think it's a topic that should be difficult, honestly. This came while I was in the early stages of writing In His Image, while the ending (well, beyond the obviously 'Swan Song+Gabriel Pulls Sam Out') was still in flux, when I wasn't sure how the dynamics between the characters would be settled by the end. And for a while, a lot of what I was envisioning for the last few chapters involved Gabriel yelling at Dean about being horrible to Castiel. A lot. This spun out of that, ( ... )


monteseverus May 18 2012, 13:32:20 UTC
This story was not hard to follow at all. The level of trust you wrote about really seems to fit Dean's character. And we all know what an ass Gabriel can be. NICE!!!!!


whit_merule May 19 2012, 00:00:52 UTC
He can be, but he always believes he's helping!

(Or, you know, doing something hilarious. Hilarity is important.)


anonymous July 10 2016, 01:30:06 UTC
First off, I love all your stories! I truly admire your writing style, how you do such a great job keeping the boys and their angels in character while steering the story to different conclusions than cannon and doing it in such a way that it does not feel forced at all ( ... )


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