My body, given up for you

Nov 20, 2011 13:46

Written: 2-3 Nov 2011.
Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, background Castiel/Dean and OT4 (no cheating).
Rating: R, edging towards NC-17 for non-con references.
Length: c. 3300.
Warnings: Non-con and dub-con references early on.
Notes: Originally posted for anonymous kinkmeme at spn-gabriel. A little revised since then ( Read more... )

2000-5000, dean/gabriel, castiel/dean, supernatural, castiel/dean/gabriel/sam, fanfic

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whit_merule May 17 2012, 23:10:47 UTC
I re-read this fic last week (after not having dared read it since I first posted it, ie, having pretty much forgotten most of what happens in it), and actually had some difficulty following it myself. :) But I actually quite like that - what happens isn't clearly specified, just what it means to them, the emotional content of it. It becomes sort of impressionistic, and while it could maybe be a little clearer, I quite like the effect it ends up with.

Not that it was really intentional, what with being all feverish and not awake at the time of writing!

I think it's a topic that should be difficult, honestly. This came while I was in the early stages of writing In His Image, while the ending (well, beyond the obviously 'Swan Song+Gabriel Pulls Sam Out') was still in flux, when I wasn't sure how the dynamics between the characters would be settled by the end. And for a while, a lot of what I was envisioning for the last few chapters involved Gabriel yelling at Dean about being horrible to Castiel. A lot. This spun out of that, although it's definitely not canon to that verse as it stands - not least because, in that verse, rape wasn't part of what happened in Hell. (Incidentally, that means Dean has far less trouble bottoming for Cas; but Castiel's feelings of vulnerability are the same as here. So, though I don't think this has been mentioned in anything I've written yet, Castiel takes months before he's willing to do that with anyone in IHI-verse - at the time of the Cas/Gabriel/Sam threesome story, he still can't.)

And, yes, while Gabriel and Dean in IHI-verse might get around to playing with taking-someone-to-a-scary-place levels of submission, Castiel and Dean won't. For various reasons. Not because he trusts Gabriel more - if anythng, more the opposite. Just a different dynamic. :)


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