I won the life lottery! I get to spend my days involved with my son 2.7 year old (y/o) son, Sam. I could not have been given a better gift - ever. My heart throbs with elation in waves I never understood possible. There has been no greater joy in my life than that of my son. Mostly (but not solely) in forms of expression because his depth of understanding is vast and his recall is astounding. He just has so much personality and ability that it is an honor to be able to spend my time with him.
I felt this way prior to the world collapsing of its own weight of avarice and now that the tide is nearing its lowest I feel it so much more powerfully. I have known for well more than a month now of the flood of suffering that was due to arrive and like everyone else I underestimated it by succumbing to inherent biases which keep us calm and comfortable.
My wife and I decided early on (Friday the 13th of March) #notominous not to get sick and thus that is the last time she and my son have entered another building other than our home or the home of my mother in law. I had a handful of obligations that I needed to attend to, but I haven't been away from my domain without PPE since 31 days ago. Fortunately I bought a box of appropriate masks in 2014 (according to Amazon) for painting/sanding which largely were used for kitty litter. Too old to be considered medical grade (to donate), but good enough to use short of a better alternative.
My thoughts of my son - and wife - are the reasons I tell myself why I cannot volunteer my time toward the greater good. My life would feel over should harm befall either of them, and it isn't as if I would offer a specialization relevant to the situation. I'm a very intelligent real estate broker and business owner and I am not "essential".
However, I need to help in some way. I should find out if I can volunteer remotely. Dial for dollars for some local (or not) charity perhaps? I need to help somehow but I can't jeopardize my loved ones. I could not live with myself if I brought Covid-19 into the house. I can't sit here for another 31 days having not contributed toward a better tomorrow. The idea of biding time moreover does not sit well with me.
to be continued...