Apple grinder and press

Oct 12, 2009 17:05

Hopefully I'll get some betting pictures maybe even one of it in action. None the less here is the fruit of our efforts. The first two picture are of the apple mill that grinds the apples, or any other fruit into a pulp. After pulping, the fruit goes into the fruit basket (heh) which was once a keg pictured in the third photo. we then put a press plate on top of the fruit mash and a 4x4 on top of that, Finally we place a car jack (red thing in third photo) between the 4x4 and the top horizontal support beam. We then put 2 tons of pressure on the fruit pulp and much juice comes out the slits we cut in the sides of the keg as well as the holes we drilled in the bottom. We then catch the juice in a baking sheet that we have drilled a hole into. The juice flows through the hole and into another bucket or carboy. Mmmm fresh apple cider. Maybe more descriptions to come.
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