hanson concert is this saturday. and wilma is coming this saturday. and i hate wilma and whoever came last year that cancelled their other show here...i think it was hurricane frank? hanson needs to learn not to scheduel tour dates in florida during hurricane season.
i suck at my american government class. i wish mr. din wasnt so cool. because then i would be okay with saying, i dont suck at this class i just have a sucky teacher. ech.
tonight it has been made official that i do not know how to write college essays. nor should i really be going to college.
i havent felt that anything livejournal worthy has happened to me the last 2 months but today something did. i bought myself a slinky. its metal. from walmart. and was 1.94. i realized that if some guy had bought me a slinky he would have won my heart over forever. slinkies are the greatest creations ever.
im bored. aileen got a new bird. my mouth hurts. i want to go to tampa and see alex but my mother has gone psycho and is making me clean
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so alex is in jail right now. 4 felonys(ies?) 2 ounces of weed in individual baggies=2 felonys with intent to sell possession of a gun=1 felony tampering with a smoke detector in a public building=1 more felony
i have the flu. or something similar to it. i slept from 2 30am until 8pm today. that was nice. but now im wide awake, and sick. and there is no one to entertain me. because i really should leave my house in this condition. boo.