RIP little rodent

May 04, 2007 09:54

Well, I think I'm finally composed enough now to tell you that we had to put Martin the rat down on Monday. He did his little ratty jumping-out-of-his-cage-onto-my-chest thing on Monday morning (yes, a sign that he still had energy...) and I saw that the entire bottom third of his tail was black! It looked like the blood had all just clotted there, it was terrible.

So Tommy came with me to the vet and the vet said indeed his cardio-vascular-respiratory system was failing him and it was only going to get worse and I could put him on steroids to buy him a few days but it would only be a few days and then he'd be back exactly where he was now. It was such a terrible terrible moment but it seems liked everyone was pretty certain that euthanasia was the most fair thing to do so then I had to say goodbye and that was so dreadful. I'm sure that the way I was clinging to him and crying over him, he was quite calm before he got to me and then i scared him. Then the vet took him in the back, gave him an injection, brought him back, and Tommy and I buried him in the prairie underneath a lovely little spruce.

Tommy was a very good moral support the entire time. And he drove me around when I was in no condition too. They used to be his pets, but he had more distance than I did, and I guess he's a boy so he doesn't weep uncontrollably.

And another awful thing-- we went to try to find Miles the rat, who i had 'buried' under a pile of leaves when the ground was frozen in January, and found his box that he's been buried in but no Miles. Someone ate him I think. So they don't get to rest together which is sad but at least Miles hopefully provided strength for some other creature.

Little rodent monsters. Guess I should change my LJ title. Don't have the heart yet.
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