The lunatic is in the hall...

Jun 08, 2011 06:48

Our title today news fans brought courtesy of my ear worm of yesterday. And reinforced by Early Morning Conversations:

Me:  Who turned off the heat?

Hubby:  Some crazy spendthirft trying to pinch pennies

Me: Right, they must be a freelance writer.
Hubby:  No, just crazy. Besides, how can you tell the difference?

Nan is sick this morning. Hell she was sick yesterday. I made her take the morning off. I may need her help in the afternoon. We'll see. Depends on if the rain kills Tank's playoff ball game, if I'll make her climb out of bed. It would be no big deal if his game wasn't scheduled for a field 20 miles away.

Likely my employer won't be thrilled that I can only telework for three hours.

So yesterday was hugely productive. I've completed all my work for media writing. EP editing is done. It's just an INTERFACE package I need to do. I will work on that today. Yay for not having to go to Seattle. It is amazing how much time over the past 5 years I've spent in the car. The car. It makes me so sad to know. I try to make it fun. Listening to books on tape and good music and focusing on scenes, dialogue and other writing-centric things. But, yet, it still seems like such a waste of time.

Speaking of fun on the road, on the way home from Bean's pdoc appointment, he and I were rocking out and were dancing in our seats together. Considering his mania as of late (doc upped some of his meds to balance him out...I'll blog more on that over at LJ's miraclebean), we really got silly on this song:

image Click to view

And then...I finished revising Unsecured Host, which will be my submission to The Tomorrow Project. It was a hard revision. I had a whole team of beta readers looking at it. The feedback was incredible and for the most part good. Couple folks in my writing group I think are too nit-picky and just don't understand the SF genre. I listened to my gut in those instances.

Today's Listmania:
Sneak one load of laundry in before Pnut gets home
Telework 0900 to Noon
Pick up Bean from school at noon
Safeway for RX pick up
Thirft store (TOO MANY PEOPLE)
SVW Email and Web Clean up
Put together an Interface package for Novel Writing 
Order books for summer qtr at school 
Begin Pre-Last Revision Polish on Wilderness Rim 
Finish STARVE BETTER - put together response for Amazon, Goodreads, etc. 
Start on PKD book that Dad got me from library (send email to extend it's due date, I won't finish in three days) 
Check F.L. site - do daily focus 
:15 of Operation Organization (I may actually get organized one of these days
Operation Freelance
M.C. Work

What was the odd thing yesterday that really made you smile?

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the writing life, lunacy, going back to college, operation freelance, morning pages, listmania

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