It's weird how dreamwidth sends me an email each time I post. I have to see if there's a setting for that. My memory is not that bad. Yet.
Yesterday was fairly productive. I finished the last of my media writing homework. Yay effing yay. The journal for the class I teach is done and accessible by noisy parents. hehe. I did a massive amount of editing on the short story I've been working on. I had some of my writing group give me feedback. Damn they are brutal. But good feedback. I'm sure there will be more feedback in my in-box this morning. So that will be part of my list mania today.
In my lit crit class there was a general concensus that my gender criticism paper was the best of the lot. I was surprised but then I look at how long I worked on it to get those four highly researched and documented papers and I'm grateful. Still, literary criticism will not be part of what I do, I believe...unless something really strikes my passion core.
I received Jeff Vandermeer's "BOOKLIFE" yesterday. I am still finishing Nick Mamatas' STARVE BETTER. I have started collecting stuff for my own non-fiction book on writing called "CLIFF JUMPING." I'm only half serious. But maybe, we'll see.
Telework days in the morning are tough, because I'm suppose to be working. I try to stay out off the morning routine -- but Tank and Hubby wake up grumpy and sighing and aggravated It's annoying to Bean and I, who may be quiet in the morning but are generally pleasant. I mean if you're grumpy just be quiet.
My a.m. media analysis for this morning shows that everyone wants to blame every one for Mother Nature's force. All anything -- dams, levees, and other flood risk reduction projects -- can do nothing but minimize the risk of floods. Not eliminate it. Same with any other natural force -- hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and volcano. There is no level of engineering that can prevent floods. Just because it doesn't happen every year, or even when it happens to different levels each year -- doesn't mean Mother Nature isn't going to come a calling. Sometimes she can be sweet and just give us enough to fertilize our farms. Othertimes she has a rage that makes any UFC fighter look like a pussy. It annoys the fuck out of me that people think that we are invincible. It shows up in my stories all the time: a) nothing is as scary as that uncontrollable monster (medicine/technology/etc) that science discovers, creates, uses b)nothing is as exhilirating as technology that controls the monster that science created and c) Mother Nature always wins. Did you hear that Missouri? Mother Nature always wins. Did you hear that Louisiana? Mother Nature always wins. The flooding today? That's why it's called a NATURAL Disaster. It's caused by Mother Nature. Man in all it's deluded ways thinks it can control you. Well, we stoopid monkeys. We can't. You win.
Now don't think I don't feel for those people. Flooding especially is a horrific thing. But people still think because they can see the disaster coming, as in flooding, that because they have some way to predict to a degree its fierceness we should be able to control it. Can you control a Tornado? How about an Earthquake? No and No. Same goes for flooding; therefore, the blame game is just stupid.
However, I do place some responsibility with my grandparents generation -- the so-called greatest generation. Because they set up the collective thought in this nation that we as a country, as a nation, as Americans were infallible and we could engineer, build, control, or at worse bomb out way out of everything. I'm sure that comes off as really crass following the D-Day anniversary. But, seriously, we were in our teenage years as a country then. We did have an attitude of invincibleness. Now, approaching our 20s as a country, we're still paying the consequences of waayyy too much foolishness during our teens. That's why so many of the older countries in the world look at us with disdain. They have centuries on us and find our youthful cockiness irritating, not endearing. Because as a nation, we still put our pants on one leg at a time, just like any other country. We are not the alpha male. We are not the leader of the pack. If you know anything about wolves, too, you know they don't really operate that way anyhow. They work collectively -- globally to continue the metaphor.
I'm not trying to come off as elitist here. I just think our nation as a whole has a lack of understanding about the world we live in. One of the core competencies I have to demonstrate for my degree is to show scientific and environmental literacy and an understanding of the natural world. This isn't an optional life skill for humans anymore. I think it's critical -- even more so than balancing your fucking checkbook or knowing how to eat right.
I am way past my allotted time for morning pages here. I have exactly 7 days of work left. A total of 10 days before I am no longer Y.T.'s Mom. There is lots to prep for...
8 hours of telework
Find new pDoc for Bean
Teach (last class) 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Take Bean to pDoc
Blog on MiracleBean
Get SVW stuff organized (postings caught up/set up blog page)
Get Hubby to help with Word Press updates/ +1/New MC Theme Snafu
Read new 31 pages author turned in for E.P. editing
Put together summary comments for EP editing for TIWWD
Edit Tomorrow Project piece
Put together an Interface package for Novel Writing
Order books for summer qtr at school
Begin Pre-Last Revision Polish on Wilderness Rim
Call in my Meds for refill
:15 of Operation Organization
Operation Freelance
Finish STARVE BETTER - put together response for Amazon, Goodreads, etc.
Start on PKD book that Dad got me from library (send email to extend it's due date, I won't finish in three days)
Check F.L. site - do daily focus
Yeah, I'm just tired looking at that.
What one thing should you do today, but likely won't and why? This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.