I haven't updated in way too long. I am currently too fried to think - going through a rough time here, but here's a meme I swiped from
just_a_sliver that I didn't so much answer as snark. Hopefully enjoyable.
1-Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
That would be difficult - he's dead. In the general spirit of TMI, he got my other virginity as well. Yeah, that one.
2-What is the best thing about your current job?
My current job is conspicuous by its non-existence, unless you count being an unpaid house cleaner and mother of eight, in which case the best thing is that I can do much of it naked.
3-Are you touchy feely?
Yes. Oh yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.
4-Are you Irish in any way?
When some of my more lowbrow ancestors got kicked out of Scotland, they did a quick tour through Ireland before sneaking back into Scotland by the back door. Apparently they picked up some Irish blood on the way.
5-Pick one state in the US to get rid of permanently.
Why just one?
6-Favorite carnival food?
They serve food at carnivals? The only edibles I associate with carnivals fall into two categories: things that were never food, and things that began life as food before being drenched in fat, sugar, colourful dyes, sugar syrup and sprinkles.
7-What do you like to eat after you've been drinking?
The meal that I ordered before my drink arrived.
8-When was the last time you got a good workout?
Why, the last time I attended my thrice weekly Aquafit class - no, I'm not saying when that was!
9-Is your bedroom window open?
Maybe - all I can tell you right now is that the basement window isn't. But seriously folks, we like to keep our air conditioning INSIDE.
10-Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
Serious conversations are to be avoided at all times, with all people. However, if I must pick, I'll take the ones I have with my ferrets regarding their litterbox habits.
11-Describe what you're wearing in detail?
Would you believe a Hello Kitty raincoat, purple harem pants and an Oxford tie? Okay, don't then.
12-Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not unless it's with, you know, my MOTHER or someone like that.
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 26- Assorted questions on kissing, answers best summed up as:
My lips have been around. I have kissed all kinds of people, all kinds of ways, and regretted only a small portion of those kisses. I have kissed every human body part that isn't actually an internal organ. I by no means only kiss people I'm dating, and for that matter I don't only kiss people either.
21-What time did you get up today?
I haven't gotten up yet, I'd have to go to bed first, yes?
23-What are you listening to currently?
A horde of ferrets wreaking havoc in the living room. I love the pitter-patter of little paws.
31-Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Indeed. Also people.
All other questions were deemed insufficiently amusing to answer.