Title: Kisses
Characters: Azazel/Riptide
Rating: PG
Word Count: 251
Disclaimer: Marvel and 20th Century Fox own.
AN: for
stormkpr! Hope tomorrow is great! =)
The first time had been a spur of the moment kind of thing. They had been studying the Division X facility layout when Azazel turned his head and kissed Riptide, teleporting away immediately after and leaving the whirl-wind yielding mutant wondering if it happened at all. The tingling in his lips assured him it had.
The second time they kissed happened completely by accident. The living quarters in the submarine were cramped, to say the least, and both men were forced to share the tiny bedroom not being occupied by Emma and Shaw. Riptide, having finished his watch, was to wake Azazel to take the next shift. As he leaned over, Azazel sat up, and their lips crashed straight into each other.
Riptide smiled. Azazel smiled. And their lips came crashing together again. Many kisses followed, but they kept their relationship a secret. From Shaw, anyway. It was difficult to keep secrets from a telepath.
It wasn't until after Shaw was dead and Azazel teleported the new team out of the beach where irrevocable lines were drawn in the sand, that Azazel and Riptide shared their first public kiss. Magneto left them to learn his way around their new home. Mystique sighed and smiled; she didn't know them well, but she knew how hard it was to find someone who genuinely cared. She left through a different door, giving the two men some privacy. Angel, who had seen how Azazel and Riptide looked at each other, laughed and said, "It's about time! Now get a room!"