Title: The Meeting
Characters: Rogue/Gambit, Storm, Logan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 525
Disclaimer: Marvel and 20th Century Fox own.
AN: For
10_inspirations, Phrases #23- The whole nine yards
Fate permeates every event and has the ability to see everything at once. Years, decades, centuries, are all laid out before Her. Every individual, past and present, loved or despised, She sees every last one from birth until their last breath. But, every so often, Fate choses to watch an event unfold much more closely...
She favored a specific point in time prior to the reign of Homo Superior. One where the impossibility of two such individuals standing in that precise moment, face to face, nearly leveled Fate with the absurdity it would be to mask the meeting as anything other than destiny.
Everything each had been through and had yet to endure was revealed for Fate to see. Everything was out in the open. There were no secrets, not of what was or would be.
Cody. Belle. Magneto. Stryker. Mystique. Sinister. Carol. Genny. Logan. The X-men.
No, there were no secrets from Fate. Still, She watched with the wide-eyed wonder of a child when those two individuals met.
Like an eruption within a collision surrounded by an explosion of the worst, the best kind.
"Remy LeBeau," he said, taking her hand in his. He did not wait for Stormy to introduce him like she had all the others. "At your service, chere."
"Ah'm Rogue," she nearly half-smiled at the gorgeous boy bowing like an old-time gentleman before her, but kept herself in check with the aid of the feral man standing at her side.
Logan crossed his arms and Rogue could feel the the growl forming in the pit of his stomach before she ever heard it. She paid no mind. Her eyes only saw the lips against her gloved knuckles. The heat of his mouth sent a shiver of warmth shooting all through her.
Fate delighted with the scene before her.
"Remy," Storm smiled at her friend trying to draw his attentioin from Rogue to no avail. She knew how he was and simply shook her head and took his arm. "We must go. I will show you to your room before I return to my office." She had several calls to make before the day's end.
Remy grinned, "Maybe Rogue here can show me."
"Can't," Rogue replied almost sorry and wondering when the new boy planned to let go of her hand, not that she made a move to pull away either. "Got training in five."
"Kid, come on," Logan growled. Adamantium claws were itching to get out. He didn't much care that a man he barely remembered from long ago had decided to join the team despite what 'Ro said. He had planned to keep an eye on him certainly, but now even more than before. "Danger Room, Rogue. Now!"
"Another time, then," Remy winked and that time Rogue did allow the half-smile across her lips.
Storm guided Remy one way and Logan dragged Rogue the opposite. Merely two steps taken, a grin and flashing red eyes turned back in time to catch a wisp of white on brown hair and sparkling emeralds looking back, too.
The X-men just got a whole lot more interesting, Remy thought.
Fate smiled, oh he had no idea.