sunday's end

Jun 01, 2008 22:13

Good weekend all around.

Small dogs running around my house wearing blazer out.

Friday night was hanging out with my friend Rob, drinking gin and tonics and obsessing about all things associated with life. (As he frequently points out "I obsess, therefore I am"). Saturday day started with pancakes out and and grocery shopping and the remainder was spent at a bridal shower which replaced games with tarot readers, dancing apes and henna artists - a blast (Skye rocks - if I ever get married again ... an unlikely scenario ... she is throwing mine). I had lots of booze and I ended up with a strange reading (which while valid was unrelated to my question) and a cool design on my arm. Gift bag with all sorts of interesting items which my mom can never see and I may someday have a reason to use. Saturday evening was chilling (I was in a bit of a weird mental state when I got home for various reasons). Sunday was supposed to be a lunch date that failed and was replaced by writing to Roger (its been several days), lunch, drinks and shopping with a friend (I looked at cool sparkly things but managed to buy nothing) and ended with great food at SND. Cool people having birthdays. How neat is that.

Tomorrow life starts again. An 8am meeting (yuck). A talk with my boss to discuss my pronouncement on Thursday that I was bored out of my mind at my job so he had at most 9 months to come up with a way to replace me. Drinks and "Sex in the City" with the girls in the evening. Thursday lunch with miss Skye. Friday is drinks with possibly a new friend I met in a strange way (no dating possibilities since we both have very different criteria in that area but he seems like a pretty interesting guy so far - he has an slightly different mind). The rest of the week is a blank slate.
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