Aug 31, 2005 00:45
Today I purchased the new Kanye West album. It's so good, you should all get it [& by get, i mean actually buy] because he spent twice as much on the album than he was supposed to, so yeah. I've listened to it like 4 times already.
My sisters are spending the night at my grandma's house. It's fucking amazing, it's like I'm an only child again. Except my parents went to visit them after my mom got off work & didn't come home until 11:30. They tricked me. My mom called me at 9:00 to ask me if I was home & I wasn't & she told me to go home because she was coming home. So I end up walking all fast to get home & I'm getting sweatier & grosser by the second & I get home & then no one's home so I take a shower & then I watch some tv, download some music, talk on the phone & they're not home for another 2.5 hours. What the hell is that. My mom called at 11:00 & said "Where are you?" & I said "Home, but if I had you wasn't gonna be here, I would have been outside." & then she proceeded to laughing maniacally in my ear. Anyways, the house is so quiet & no one seems to care what I'm doing. It's great. I'm so hungry; I guess the parents didn't think dinner was necessary now that there aren't any real kids at home.
Have I mentioned that I'm absolutely dreading junior year? Well I am. See I barely passed all the other years but I don't think I'm going to get away with it this time. & I haven't read a book for history because apparently no libraries in manhattan & brooklyn have it & I'm not about to check queens & the bronx. See? I'm already off to a bad start & I haven't even got my schedule yet. I hope my classes don't suck....
I'm also broke. I have no money left from working the Summer Enrichment Program. It's quite sad, really.