Concert on the hill was the best!!!!...I miss my hair :(

Jun 10, 2005 16:12

I got my hair cut--5 inches chopped off!  And omg--I feel so freakin' ugly!  I like my long hair!  So yeah, this morning I was really really depressed...I know, I overreact when it comes to my I like long hair to cover up my face and my nonexistent boobs, lol.  Shorter hair just doesn't look good with my "chubby cheeks," lol.  I guess I just need to try and forget about it--there's nothing I can do now.  But I was just starting to feel a wee bit of confidence in myself until this.  Ponytails are in store for me, haha.  My parents said they like it better than my insanely long hair--but that's because their my parents...that's what they're supposed to say.

Yesterday was amazing and a half!  At 10am I went to see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" with Laura Merchant!!  That movie was the best movie I've seen all year and I'm definetly gonna see it again!  That's the hardest I've ever cried during a movie!  Usually I never cry in movies, but there Laura and I were, completely bawling our eyes out.  We decided that we are gonna get a traveling necklace!  I'm so excited about that! LOL.  And then Margaret came and joined us!  We ate lunch by the kid's play thing and Margaret was eating with her fingers, saying, "I'm a great example of kids!"  So, I decided that I would take a handful of my rice and shove it in my mouth, LMAO.  Laura took a picture of that one, haha!  And then we saw Caitlin and Liz there!  Par-tay at Great Lakes Crossing baby!!

At night we went to Concert on the Hill!!!  Felicia and Lizzie--you guys were seriously amazing!!!  I was so proud of you!!!!  Kelly and Laura even made me signs...I felt so loved :o)  Lizzie was all like, "It's the Monica Drake fan club!!" LMAO.  Kelly and I decided to be rebels in the middle of the concert and snuck into the school so we could go to the bathroom.  There is no way on earth you're getting me to use a port-a-potty, lol.  So we run down the hallways as fast as we can and realize all the bathrooms are locked.  So we ran all the way from the B-wing to the cafeteria bathrooms.  Then we decide to take the short cut and walk outside instead, not caring what the security people say to us.  And I hear "The Boy is Mine" playing--and mine song was right after that!  So, Kelly and I full speed freaking out that I'm gonna miss my song!  I got there ontime, and I didn't even have time to be nervous.  In the beginning of the song I was trying to hide the fact that I couldn't breathe very well.  I felt so special how when I got done singing, all my friends ran up to give me hugs!  They said, "That was one of the most exciting performances of the whole thing!"  What can I say--I have stage presence, haha!!  My cousin Stephanie and half cousin Ariah came to the concert!  I felt so bad that  I didn't get much of a chance to talk to them.  Ariah was more quiet than I've ever seen her before!  I asked her to come down and sit with us closer to the stage.  Stephanie told us later that Ariah didn't want everybody to ask themselves, "Why is this young girl sitting with us?"  OMG--I felt so horrible!  I love Ariah!  I would never want her to feel that way!  I know all my friends would've loved her too!  She acts more mature than some people in our class and no other cousin is as fun to be around as her.

After the concert I went to Max and Erma's with Caitlin, Samantha, Margaret, Lizzie, Kevin, Liz Steyer & her sister, Kim, Fiona, Jessica, and Brittany.  I finally got really hyper at that!  Someone, I don't remember who, made me laugh while I had a mouthful of mountain dew, and I ended up drooling on Margaret's shoulder!  Wow--I'm such a dork, lol.  And Margaret accidentally ate a piece of bacon, and she totally spazed out saying, "I'M POISONED, I'M POISONED!!"  And then for some reason, Liz wanted Kevin to pretend he was gay and hit on our waiter.  So whenever I waiter would come by, Liz would scream out, "Hit on him!!"  I think he was a little bit scared, lol.  I got a couple of pictures of him, one when he was hugging Jessica (LOL) and one with all of us. Margaret was all like (pointing to me), "She wants your picture!" lol.  He told us, "You guys sure made me smile!" LOL.  Yes, I know, we have a gift!  Caitlin was spazing out the whole time, thinking we were gonna get kicked out.  It's only because we know how to have fun, haha!  Girls just wanna have fuuuun, ooh girls just wanna have fun!

I ended up staying up till 1am talking online--kind of a pain in the butt if you ask me when all I wanted to do was go to bed.  There was just a few people who I felt bad for leaving, even though I could've passed out right there on the keyboard.  I don't think I should ever go online at night again! LOL. 
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