new addiction

Sep 15, 2008 21:16

No, not that poppy fun group from the 80's, but a lovely...

to anyone under the age of 30, that was a 'New Edition' reference.

television show called "Primeval" from the lovely BBC America.  Seriously, between Doctor Who, Torchwood and Primeval... the sci-fi channel looks like a pile of dung in comparison.  Of course, if you have spent any time watching most of the made for sci-fi channel movies, you know that dung is often art in comparison.  And on top of that, you have cute lil ol' Hannah Spearritt (from S Club 7) running around in her knickers in several episodes.  That my friends is fine television.

That and Billie Piper in 'Secret diary of a call girl'... which has nothing to do with Primeval but bears mentioning anyway as fine viewing entertainment.

Speaking of lacy undergarments... I had this flash in my head the other day of T in frilly underthings and the image that popped into my head was one of old Vargas pin-up girls (not the pin-up girls being old but indicative of the time period in which the shots were famous).  This made me think of the lovely ladies of fandom whom I know and adore and how they would look in 40's style vargas pin-up artwork.  To which end I thought of seeing if anyone out there would have a pics done of them in their best vintage undies/corsets/ "you've come a long way baby!" style clothes and then maybe we could convince the Frolicon people to do a contest in which guest artists and just plain guests could select their favorite pic and draw it into a image which would then be used for badges and or guide covers.  the idea is simple, you have someone take a pic of you against a white background in the pose of your choice and then local artists and tatoo peoples render them as pin-ups.  The con then takes the best of them and uses them for promotional material.  The artists who win get free badges or something of the sort... plus status which we all crave.

Please let me know if anyone is interested and I will get in touch with the Frolicon peeps if we have enough ladies sending in pics.

Also, keep in mind the stylized bodies and know that artistic interpretations will be done, but can only do so much.  There was a certain body type that fits the mold of pin-up which would need to be held to.  Sometimes a pose can be used to ....

What I am trying to say is...

Although I love all my ladies...

There is a 'curved' ideal to these woman that can only be adjusted so much by artistic liberties...that's all I am going to say.

On a less uncomfortable note, I stupidly went swimming with some co-workers while in Miami lacking any sunblock and managed to give myself second degree burns on my head and shoulders (which is ironic because now {with the skin peeling and flaking off} I look like I need to invest in Head & Shoulders).  The odd thing is that I forgot that after the painful burning and blistering of the skin, you get the real fun of pulling strips of skin off of your body.

Big long strips of burnt skin which lift to reveal lovely new, pink skin.  I must have spent a half hour this evening in the bathroom taking tweezers to my head and watching this patchwork quilt of new vs. burnt skin take place.


Anyway, gotta get  back to my Primeval marathon.

Night folks.
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