FIC : I Love You [Endind Part 1/?]

Jul 07, 2009 18:29

Title : I Love You [Ending Part 1/?]
Pairing : Kangin/Yesung
Rating : PG I guess
Summary : Hanhyunk and Heechul tell Kangin to prove his love to them
Note : Still...I'm not sure with my grammar, but I do try to work on it.

I Love You [First Part] - -
I Love You [Kangin Part] - -

Here I Am!!! I have to say sorry for not updating this. My school days are so busy and I have a lot of works and problems to solve. I have to apologize for my broken grammar that I still can't fix it since I'm too busy with my studies, I don't have time to improve my grammar at all.

Kangin’s POV

I’m waiting, waiting for everyone to be home…for you to be home. Hankyung’s word echo in my head, I wonder what he wants to talk to me. TV is on but my mind doesn’t stick with it, I just miss you.

Finally everyone is home. I stand up and look around to find you. Your super red pajamas [A/N : watch this and you’ll see ] turn into pink T-shirt with some cartoons on it and dark skinny jeans. You glance at me before Heechul grabs your wrist, leads you to his room. I absentmindedly follow you. Here I am again, staring at the closed door of the red head’s room. I feel someone pokes my shoulder, I turn my head to find out it is Hankyung. The Chinese man looks at me with unreadable eyes and he starts to speak.

‘What are you doing here?’

I don’t answer, just still staring at the door. He opens the door and says…

‘Come in, we need to talk to you.’

He walk into the room first, I follow him. You look at me confusedly and the other in the room glares at me. The Chinese man points at the chair, I walk to sit on it while he makes his way to sit with you on the bed. I’m looking at you, you’re looking at me till the one of the older starts the conversation.

‘Do you know why you are here, Youngwoon?’

I shake my head. I look at the three on the bed shifting their positions, Heechul makes you sit in front of him, lets you lay against his chest, his arms cling around your waist. Once I ever had you be with me like that I think. Hankyung sits besides his best friend, his hand entwines your small hand. I feel so jealous and guilty to feel like this, because when I have you, I don’t treat you like those two do.

‘I’ll give you one last chance to prove us you really love our Jongwoon.’

Hankyung speaks slowly, the words sink in my head and the smile places on my lips. I see you tilt your head to look at your hyungs with confuse and glee.

‘Do you…do you really mean it?’

Stuttering I ask, they nod.

‘We were watching you for a few days, Youngwoon, we found out that maybe…you really in love with our Jongwoon. So I want you to prove to us and yes…to our Jongwoon too if what we found out is true.’

I jump off the chair with glee and relief. Now I can have you again. Something runs in to my head and I stop, looking at the three on the bed.

‘What do you want me to do?

I see Heechul smirks, he kisses your head and turns his face to you.

‘Well,…you will find out soon, Youngwoon. Now get out of my room.’

I turn around and walk to the door. I glance at you and smile, because you already smile at me. I promise myself I won’t never ever mess up my one last chance, the chance to have you here with me, to kiss goodnight and have you in my arms, to wake up and wake you up with my kiss, to say the word ‘I love you’ to you and hear your beautiful voice saying ‘I love you’ back.

Yesung’s POV

Am I dreaming? I tilt my head up to meet their eyes that tell me I’m still awake and I hear them right. I smile at you when you’re going to walk out the door, a real smile I didn’t do for a long time. When I hear the ‘click’ sound, I spin around to face them.

‘Is it real? Do you guys really mean it?’

I ask my hyungs with delight. When they nod, I smile from ear to ear. I kiss my hyungs on the cheek as they ruffle my hair.

‘Hyung need you to be happy, Jongwoon-ah. I can’t stand seeing you’re sad. Since you broke up with him, I barely see you smile. Jongwoon-ah, hyung want to see you smile again, smile like you really want to.’

Hankyung says sweetly. I hug him tight and peck his cheek again. Heechul pull me away from my Chinese hyung, I giggle when I see him glare at his best friend. Hankyung chuckles and pats my head. Now I sit on the oldest of the two’s laps.

‘Now, we already talk about him. Let’s talk about you.’

Heechul says as his finger brushes on the tip of my nose. I quirk up and stare at him, slowly I turn to stare at the man beside him, they all smile…sly smile I have to say.

‘Since this is all about you, so…what do you want him to do to prove that he love you, my dear?’

Now it’s me who smirk, I swing my arms around them, hug them tight as I whisper something in their ears and then they smirk as I do.

In the early morning, I peek out of my room, making my way to the front door. I put on my shoes and walk out the dorm, starting the plan to prove if you really love me. I grab my phone and text someone. I smile and inhale some fresh air.

‘If you really love me, Youngwoon-ah, you will found me.’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why I can't end this??? = =
From one-shot to chaptered fic....from 2 to 3 and now I make it 4 chapters ><
and I don't know if it will be 5...6...7, but I guess I will end this next chapter [ like I said in the 2 last parts and I'm still here]

Commenting will be love, so I can know what you guys think

SPECIAL!!! >>>>
The quality is not good, but it's worth watching this

fic : i love you, pairing : kangin/yesung

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