I want a brand new house
On an episode of Cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub big enough
For ten plus me
We’re sitting in a circle on the stage floor, talking about why we’re doing the career we’re doing, how we got here. This is an arts high school, the kids audition to get in and to stay in, they ride buses at 4AM from the
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Comments 7
What's the best medium you can think of to get your message out?
I've already told you that I see most of my stories as movies in my head. I would *LOVE* to get what I see in my mind's eye transcribed to film or video.
The best medium is word-of-mouth, e.g., blogging, friendship, personal web site. If it's not what someone wants to hear, all the other mediums are just noise.
So many times, I've shared an insight on my blog, only to hear it echoed in my friends' blogs later, sometimes, the next day or later the same week. I'm not sure they realize they are doing it. Maybe people hear things, process it, and only recognize it as being real once they put it into their own words. It used to irritate me. Now, I take it as a compliment: they valued what I had to say.
Not only was it a good question, the answer was unexpected. It wasn't about the fame lifestyle, it was about believing in his music and wanting other people to hear it.
I want to bring back jewels of story from India and South Africa and get someone to pay my expenses while I do it.
Or at this point, share what you've already found out while getting paid, and see if the earnings allow you to make real money and perhaps fund future trips. ;)
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