I want a brand new house
On an episode of Cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub big enough
For ten plus me
We’re sitting in a circle on the stage floor, talking about why we’re doing the career we’re doing, how we got here. This is an arts high school, the kids audition to get in and to stay in, they ride buses at 4AM from the
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It also sounds like a post I wrote once, about stories and about how they're capturing moments in time, so you can show people later. See, this is how we were, how we glowed, how we were beautiful.
As for me - I want a big audience too, and I'm right there being egotistical with you. But for right now - I think my online readers are enough.
When I posted that post about the emotionally abusive friend, about how I almost deleted Valley because of him, an 18 year old girl sent me an email. And she said that she was fiercely glad that I didn't delete Valley. Because it helped her get through her mother's breast cancer, and it even helped her mother too.
So, for me - my best medium, at the moment, is Sims stories. Who knows what it will be in the future. Maybe traditional publishing, maybe selling e-books, maybe some new thing that doesn't exist yet. But, at least for the next seven months (that's how long it took to write Valley) it's my Sims story. It doesn't reach millions of people, but I know that Valley reached thousands, and that it meant a lot to quite a few people. And, for now, that's good enough for me.
Now I just have to build the readership of the new Sims story up to Valley's levels. :)
I wish you luck on your journey, but I don't think you need it. I recognize a fellow badass writer who achieves her goals when I see one. :)
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