History tidbit

Dec 11, 2007 21:55

Well, I'm about to go into marathon-writing mode for the next few hours and most likely for the greater duration of tomorrow after a break of sleep. Before that happens, though, I would like to share some interesting information I just learned about the current Japanese imperial family(this will very likely find its way into the last question for my take-home exam on Japan for Asian History.)

So. The current emperor of Japan is Akihito, son of the WWII emperor Hirohito. Akihito and his wife Michiko have three grown children: two sons and a daughter. Princess Sayako has already relinquished her imperial status. Women can't ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne anyway.

And that's where it gets interesting. Until a little over a year ago, Akihito's sons Naruhito and Akishino only have daughters. Heir presumptive Naruhito and his wife Masako have a four-year-old daughter named Aiko, and Akishino and his wife Kiko have two daughters ages 14 and 11. Kiko wife then become pregnant with a third child. Japan has the longest reigning dynasty in known human history, and it's always been determined through male succession. This rule was finalized in the Japanese constitution after WWII.

Naruhito is not likely to have another child after Aiko. He and Masako were both in their early fourties when she was born, and Masako is feeling really stressed out from her position as the sonless empress-to-be. Asahino and his wife were expecting a third child that could be a boy, but it could just as well be another girl.

Debate had been running wild over whether or not to amend the Constitution to allow a woman to ascend the throne. It had the support of Prime Minister Koizumi among others, but it has three main sides of opposition. First there are those who figure that tradition must be kept. Hell, the current dynasty has lasted since at least the fifth century. Next there are the families of the former Daimyo who have kept a piece of powerful sway even after they officially lost their former power. Then there are the Shinto priests. After WWII the power of the emperor was greatly reduced. One of his main positions is as a Shinto priest... a male role. If Aiko becomes empress, she very well might not be able to fulfill this role. She could always be a miko until she marries, but that won't be the same.

And an interesting thing: if Naruhito and Akishino only have daughters, but their sister Sayako has a son, that boy can never become emperor because Sayako is no longer royal. He won't count.

Debate was going like wildfire over whether or not to amend the Constitution right up until the news came in that Kiko was pregnant with her third child, at which point everything in the Parliment stopped so the occasion could be congratulated and applauded. After the news came in, those against the empress amendment decided to stall until the gender of the baby was known. If it was a boy, they planned to get the amendment pushed under the rug because the no-son crisis would be over. If it was a girl... well, then. Back into the wildfire.

And guess what? It was a boy. In September of last year Prince Hisahito was born. The empress amendment was indeed pushed under the rug, and Hisahito is second in line to the throne after his uncle Naruhito.

Okay. Now I sleep, and then I go on a writing marathon. Upside: this will all be over by Thursday.
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