Nov 06, 2007 17:02
Once upon a time, a couple of years ago, Joss Whedon was all heartbroken over that whole Fucking Fox episode, and so he declared that he's retiring from TV making, never to be back again.
I refused to believe it, but my friend Ofir said that he can't see Joss ever returning. And after arguing about this for a few minutes (hours), we made an official bet. We even wrote it all down and signed it, and detailed the rules. And from that day on it was known as:
The bet is that we wait 5 years, until October 10th 2010 (10.10.10 - nice, easy date to remember).
If within that time Joss has a new show (of which he is the creator of. So directing "The Office" doesn't count) - I win, and Ofir has to pay for our trip to some sort of Joss-related fan event of my choosing. He pays for flight, convention (or whatever it is)-fees, accommodations... the works.
If however, Joss is still retired from TV making in five years time - I lose, and it's me who has to pay for the whole thing.
See, it's actually the kind of bet that no mater what, everyone sort of wins. But since Joss has announced the new show, it means I win MORE - the trip, the honor, and the new Joss/Aliza goodness - it's all mine!!
Ha ha haaaaaa!
Our friends tell me that Ofir will never make good on his promise (this has some basis in reality, since I bet him many things in the past, and have always won, and he never paid, and actually he always made some excuse to why he actually didn't lose the bet), but I am totally going to make him. If he doesn't want to come to the Joss-related event, he doesn't have to, but me - I'm going and he's paying!
(or, at some distant future, after I make him suffer and sweat, I'll be the bigger person and let him off the hook, settling for BtVS and AtS DVD box sets. But don't tell him that).