About a million days ago (13 days is a million on the internet, right?)
smidgy06 did this userpic meme and I asked to participate but then I didn't, but here, I'm doing it now, so get off my back!
///Comment on this post. I'll choose seven userpics from your profile and you'll reply here (or you know, your own journal, whichever), explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along///
Here are the ones
smidgy06 wanted to know about, including my fascinating and in-depth answers
I love the The Gorillaz. I love the concept of the illustrated band, that exist entirely in some virtual space. The design is so awesome, it makes me giddy with love. This icon is a cap from the
kick-ass, incredibly pretty video of Feel Good inc. The animation so pretty, I almost cried first time I watched it... I'm a total animation geek.
Anyway, sometimes when I feel down, I wish I could be where Noodle is sitting - on top of a floating, grassy island, with a windmill, and a guitar, and let my feet hang in the air, and feel good. So this icon is like a postcard from there.
I have a fandom-crash on Samurai Shamploo, an awesome series that seems to have been created according to my preferences. If it had been a Joss Whedon show it would have been kinda perfect ;). It's a ingenious mixture of ancient Japan (the history, customs, outfits, language, mythology, food...), and Hip Hop culture (the music, the aesthetics, the attitude). And speaking of aesthetics - the design and animation is just... so... good. It also has
the best opening sequence in history, and my icon is inspired by it, and the excellent line: The sons of the battle cry. The character on the right,
Jin, was my first animated crash... *blush*
It's Eddie Izzard, what's there to say? I die from the laughter. In this icon he does his squirrel impression: "Did I leave the gas on? ...no, I'm a fucking squirrel!" and sometimes they
long for a grapefruit.
I made this icon for some icon-contest, way back when I used to be involved in such things. I think I won something, too.
Anyway, it's the AI gang, plus baby. I adore how they do the Hero Walk, but with a stroller instead of swards and stuff. Happy Fatherly Angel rocks. And look! It's Wesley! Hi Wesley!
Oh, this one's a funny story, actually. Joss called me one day, this was like, nine or ten years ago, and he was all - You gotta look at this thing, I made a thing, you'll love it, it's just like the sort of thing you always say you want and no one makes. And me, I was all skeptical and shit, but then I saw the thing and I had to say "Joss Whedon, I am your slave" whenever he demanded it, in public places and everything, because that was the bet. Ah, what a bastard... heh, we have such wacky fun together.
What actually happened is that whenever Joss does anything, I am helpless against loving it with all my brain and heart and other bits. And it doesn't much matter what it is. Oh! And the line "Look at this thing I made" should be read with a sinister, creepy, seductive voice, and the line "Fine! I'm just your SLAVE" should always be read the way Cordelia said it to Xander on that episode that time.
Once upon a time,
evilshelly wanted icons of various cute/evil things, and this is one of those that I made for her. I keep using it because it's sooooo useful. For when you're not really interested, and you don't care who knows it :) Or, when you know what you're going on about is of no interest to anyone (which is mostly when I use this icon. Self mockery is fun).
dEUS is a band I love with great passion. This icon is a quote from the amazing song "
Everybody's Weird":
"...It's easier to trust
if it comes down to this my friend
I will help you if I must
I will kill you if I can
experience is cheap
and you know that in the end
I will kill you if I must
I will help you if I can..."
One of the reasons I love this part so much is because it's a homage-quote to Leonard Cohen's beautiful lovely
song "
Story Of Isaac":
"... And if you call me brother now,
Forgive me if I inquire,
Just according to whose plan?
When it all comes down to dust
I will kill you if I must,
I will help you if I can.
When it all comes down to dust
I will help you if I must,
I will kill you if I can..."
One of the things that totally do it for me is songs quoting other songs.
See, I totally update my lj.