Hey, I'm bored, so I'm going to do that meme where I put my iTunes on random and quote a line from each song and you guess what it's called and who it's by. No Googling allowed, of course. One of my favorite memes, like the "nine lives you could live" one. Also takes up a lot of time, what with the listening to songs bit.
Oh hey, and here's an idea: As a prize for the person who guesses the most songs, I'll write a livejournal post about anything you want. Durian? NAFTA? The most embarassing thing I've ever written? The ten best books I've ever read? Doesn't have to be something I already know... you could make me research something for you. Fun fun fun.
1) "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me. Hey!" "Alternative Polka" by Weird Al. Guessed by
2) "Ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?" "Schadenfreude" from the Avenue Q soundtrack. Guessed by
anandabrat and
3) "The fridge, stove and toaster never crash on me / I should be able to get online without a PhD." "Every OS Sucks" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie. Partially guessed by
bluesbodger but he gets all the points because I always get Three Dead Trolls and Arrogant Worms mixed up too.
4) "Had a little lantern, oh, but it got blown out too." "In The Dark With You" by Greg Brown, guessed by
5) "Why can't she ask for a treasure, something that money can buy, that won't die?" "A Bit Of Earth" from the Secret Garden soundtrack, guessed by
lightwalker and
6) "Never had a pocket watch, never counted backwards." "Hypnotist of Ladies" by They Might Be Giants, guessed by
7) "It's been Tuesday all week and it's Tuesday again." "Help Me Make It Through This Funky Day" by Greg Brown, guessed by
8) "The bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the hens lay soft-boiled eggs." "Big Rock Candy Mountain" by Harry McClintock on the O Brother soundtrack, guessed by
vruba and
9) "Dream sweet dreams for me, dream sweet dreams for you." "Good Night" by the Beatles, guessed by
10) "You must be kind, you must be witty, very sweet and fairly pretty." "The Perfect Nanny" from the Mary Poppins sountrack, guessed by
apollotiger and
11) "Like when two fireflies flouresce, just like everything I guess." "Meaningless" by the Magnetic fields, guessed by no one. Suckahs.
12) "Could I have been anyone other than me?" "Dancing Nancies" by Dave Matthews, guessed by
bluesbodger and
13) "Trouble ahead, trouble behind, and you know that notion just crossed my mind." "Casey Jones" by the Grateful Dead, guessed by
14) "You look like a photograph of yourself taken from far far away." "Untouchable Face" by Ani Difranco, guessed by
parsley and
15) "Tell the moon you've seen the serpent, found the sword and walked among the--TREES." The Dallas venue song by They Might Be Giants, guessed by no one. Feel the power of the free download.
16) "And I know that it was just the fear of flying, and I know it's hard to keep myself from crying." "Cruel" by Thomas Dolby, guessed by
17) "He's my sunshine in the morning, he's my fireworks at the end of the day." "My Old Man" by Joni Mitchell, half-guessed by
18) "Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph." "Bookends" by Simon and Garfunkel, guessed by
anandabrat and
19) "All the things that I used to know have gone out the window." "When It's Over" by Sugar Ray, guessed by no one, which means you all suck. Sugar Ray! Geez!
20) "In a bloodstorm of organs my family was gone." "Pork Tenderloin" by Moxy Fruvous, guessed by no one, which is understandable but you have to go find and listen to it right now. Bloodstorm! Organs! You know you want to.
...I think I got everything right there.
... I don't think iTunes is as random as it pretends it is.
Music that didn't make it on there: Instrumental stuff by Sam Bush, Six String Samurai soundtrack, Yo-Yo Ma, Eileen Ivers, TMBG doing a cover of the Allman Brothers, Jason Webley, and songs by Steeleye Span and the Flaming Lips that had lyrics I couldn't understand.
Annnd it only took me two and a half hours do this.