(no subject)

Jan 19, 2012 16:20

Realization: this semester is going to be hard! Busy and hard. grawawwwwr. *attempts to turn into bee so is just normal* I am so glad I spent the last month doing patently nothing and didn't even try to do non-academic stuff. It's going to be a wonder if I get to those new books coming out I've been looking forward to for weeks and years. But I will, mark my words, WILL rewatch all the LOTR and be at that Hobbity theater opening at the end of the year if it kills me. Which might be easier, even, cause that'll be a whole new semester, but whatever-it's a plan.


Happy Birthday to Poe!
Even though there's no snow,
Let alllll the angst flow,
Cause this day honors Poe!

That's all I got. Oh-no, wait. I also have a lot of textbooks. They cost me 250 bucks. They are for one class. I came home thinking how lucky I was that the most expensive one is being shipped through Amazon for a fifth of the price and that my other classes aren't requiring books. Then I got an email from another prof who hadn't yet posted books for his class on the website saying we need these three books. Wonder how much those will be. *le sigh*

Internets, cheer me up!
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