Important Stats

Jan 06, 2005 07:25

I saw in the paper this morning the following info regarding blogs:

27% of Americans using the internet read blogs
62% of American internet users arent exactly sure what a blog is
7% of American internet users have written blogs
57% of American bloggers are male (that one surprised me)
48% of American bloggers are younger than 30

Also, I was pleased to note that Columbus dropped to 16th fattest city. We were 10th last year. So either we are getting fitter, or the competition is getting fatter. Seattle was the fittest city (Honolulu was number 2, congratulations to Lee). Boston was in the top 10. Cleveland was 24th. I was surprised Cleveland was fitter than Columbus. I think Houston was the fattest city. Detroit was also up there near the top of fattest cities.

Also saw a story that Terri Hatcher (of Lois Lane fame and more recently of Desperate Housewives fame, but her original fame sprang from Seinfeld, where she had a role in an episode during which Jerry was trying to determine if her breasts where real- Elaine ended up triping in the sauna falling into Terri Hatcher, grabbing said tits to stop her fall- so she was able to confirm to Jerry they were in fact real) couldnt remember the last time she had sex. I assume she is exaggerating. How could you not remember last time you had sex? Especially if you didnt have sex that often. Then you would remember for sure. I mean, she might not know the exact date, but I bet she knows in general when, and what they did etc.

Today I have to go to the post office to return the slippers from Land's End that I would like to keep. I ordered them through Amazon, but screwed up with the order, and rather than using gift certificates it was charged to Julie's credit card. You would think they could just switch the charge from the credit card to the gift certificate. But, the best thing Amazon and Land's End customer service could come up with was to return the slippers I just received for credit. And then reorder the same slippers.
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