Sisters hate each other. Sisters love each other. I know I go through phases where I hate Emily so much...never as much as I did hate her however. But now...I love this girl with all my heart! She seems to be the only one to notice when I am struggling...she made sure that I had breakfast this morning. I thank her for that...
Excuse the fact that I look like crap...i'm sick, and I haven't got out of my PJ's yet...she's just gone out, so she looks gorgeous, as always...
First of all though, out main man Spencer, our 8 year old Boxer...ISN'T HE ADORABLE?!?! He hates photos...seriously!!! Whenever someone pulls out a camera, he looks anywhere BUT the camera...LOL!!!
HA!!! Emily looks like a fish...LOSER!! Then again, I don't look too hot myself :P
Oh isn't she gorgeous, in her rusty highlighter top!
The cheesy grin...yeah...needed to be there...