title. i dream of mexico
author. nv
fandom. the west wing
characters. jed bartlet, leo mcgarry
genre. gen
rating. pg
warnings. none
word count. 100
spoilers. none
challenge. "south" for
drabble123 (
feedback. is the reason i do this.
disclaimer. the characters and canon contained herein are the property of aaron sorkin, as well as any associated writers, producers, networks, and parent companies. the following was written by neur0 vanity. no copyright infringement is intended, and no profit is being made.
“Mr. President, I think it’s time we got the hell out of here.”
Bartlet looks up at Leo standing in front of his desk in the oval office. He pulls his glasses from his face.
“Where would you suggest we go, Leo?”
“Virginia might be nice. We could get a ham, have a pre-Christmas feast.”
“I was thinking further south.”
“Such as?”
“Is there some conflict in Mexico that I should be resolving?”
“Nothing on the agenda at the moment.”
“Then let’s keep it in the country.”
“I vote for Florida then.”
“Leo, we’re getting the furnace fixed.”
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