25: fan fic { the west wing } : "joyful, joyful" [cj, josh]

Dec 05, 2007 17:48

title. joyful, joyful
author. nv
fandom. the west wing
characters. cj cregg, josh lyman
genre. gen/drama/humor
rating. pg
warnings. none
word count. 100
spoilers. none
challenge. "north" for drabble123 ( table)
feedback. is the reason i do this.
disclaimer. the characters and canon contained herein are the property of aaron sorkin, as well as any associated writers, producers, networks, and parent companies. the following was written by neur0 vanity. no copyright infringement is intended, and no profit is being made.

“It’s the freaking North Pole in here!” they hear CJ shout.

“Uh oh,” Josh says as Sam and Toby clear away from the area. “Well, don’t leave me!”

CJ appears, the scarf around her neck flying behind her, and she stares at Josh. “It’s twenty below in here.”

“It’s actually twenty above, but I won’t argue with the screaming lady.”

“What the hell happened, Josh?”

“Broken furnace.”

“The White House has a broken furnace.”

“The west wing has a broken furnace.”

“The west wing, where the President presides.”

“As Presidents often do. And yes.”

“Do you see the problem here?”


like it? watch whereismytalent

character: cj cregg, rating: pg, character: josh lyman, fandom: the west wing, challenge: drabble123, fan fic

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