We Interrupt the Crazies...

Jan 30, 2013 17:22

...to flail about The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.

Because, it's just awesome. It's been modernized, and it's playing out in Real-Time, which is kind of epic and amazing. All of the actors involved are rather brilliant, and you just love them (or love to hate them, depending on who). (DIE, GEORGE WICKHAM!)

Any fan of Jane Austen would love it. Each episode ranges from 3-7 minutes in length, so it won't take you too long to watch an episode. Some of the other characters get their own videos too, eventually, which helps flesh out some of the story that you don't necessarily hear about in the book (not that you'd be getting the storyline that's in this one for Lydia, because ... um, you NEED TO CATCH UP!).

And seriously, if you decide to watch it, you need to catch up like now, because, whoa...things just got C-RA-ZY!!!! [And that's pronounced with three syllables] *flails*

And here, I'll help you. Here's the first episode. *cheesy grin*

image Click to view

Now, you have no excuse.

I totally want an LBD icon.

Edit at 5:23 p.m.: Have icon. *breathes*

in my life, fandom:lbd, i'm amused

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