(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 07:58

Since my last update, Brett has earned redeemption. He is once again competent man about the house, and not the scary evil menace that sometimes does plumbing around these here parts.

Sean's return to school is going very well. To loosely quote, "Mommy, I love school." Not just like, LOVE. I really hope that it stays this way for him for as long as possible. I really do. If only it were possible to ward your kids versus all of those evil trolls in life who seek to ruin whatever they see you enjoying.

We've had one minor incident with him being too loud on the bus, but nothing major. He got the old talking too. Still no sign of homework yet, but I'm thinking today maybe.

All of this talk of CA levees has had me playing some Zepplin.

My uncle called Sunday and was finally available to do some yard work. Unfortunately, Brett and I have dumped about three thousand dollars into plumbing in the last few months that was designated yard money. I had to tell him Jim that we wouldn't be doing anything now till Feb. at the soonest.

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