Sep 02, 2005 22:06
My husband is an evil menace who should not be allowed to do plumbing. He took it into his head today to fix the leaky bathtub faucet and the occassionally leaky shower faucet. He was home from work and bored, and feeling the compuslion to wreak havoc. I guess.
So he spends fifty bucks on two small cylinder shaped parts, monkeys around in the bathroom, and fixed the faucets. And by some miracle, there wasn't a single leak or busted pipe that required me to stand under it with a bucket while he ran to the hardware store. He just fixed it. No problem. Or so I thought.
I should have been wary. I should have the experience and survival insticts by now to know not to trust him or his plumbing... I should, but I don't.
I went to take a shower and the water was ice cold. Shouted at Brett to turn off the dishwasher, thinking it was the cause.
Later, gave the boys a bath and the water was again ice cold. Figured the new water heater must be busted.
Winds up that Brett put both the knobs on backward, so hot is cold, and cold is hot. He managed to figure it out before HIS shower. Conveniently. Coincidentially.
Evil. Menace.