its been a while

Feb 06, 2004 00:33

ok so i officially suck at updating... and i really do apologize to all of you who have read this and seen my rants.. what can i say.. life sucks, its gets crazy, u vent and bitch a lil, its still crazy, but you try to move on.. eh?? i didnt realize that people really read this.. but hey thats cool.. i appreciate your readings.. comment more, i like it!!!

ok so update:
things i suppose are getting better.. well, some things are and others really not. but hey that is quite true in life at all times.. my friend john says "can't win em' all".. and boy is that the truth. he is a man of wisdom that one!!!

ok so life has been crazy but im workin on it. so lets start with the basics:

school: umm well mysteries of the earth is kinda cool cause its like a whole class of telling stories.. except for the fact that my teacher is kinda old, and kinda slow, and it takes him 3 classes.. so about 50 min/class... roughly 2.5 hours to tell one story that really could be summed up and told quite well in about 25 min.. so its kinda boring.. i find myself dozing off. umm i draw marshmellows in art class... its harder than u think. lol... philosophy is a trip.. soo many questions... and then we have death and dying.. which is allright.. i find that class hard at times cause of recent issues and past memories.. but i figure hey, its good for me.. and then last but not least is tai chi.. of which, i take with rich my trout friend. that class is very interesting..though i crack and wither through it all.. my back and my knee are not happy when i take it. but hey what can u do.. i like it. i know how to open the lotus and carry the ball.. what can YOU do???

ok so other things... JOB??
yeah cool.. well i finally got some hours at crowne.. 1 pm - 2:30 am on sat.. there is some bucks i could def use!!!! and my girl joy might be hookin me up with a job where she works. application is in tomorrow.. so im very excited about that... joy is the best!!!!

moving on...

my mae mae is sick.. so is my shawn.. and my joy is workin on gettin sick as well.. as for me.. i think im 75% there.. still fighting the germs... i love my rochester folk.. it makes me sad that half of them are missing... cause i dont really get to talk to them much, or chill with them.. and i miss that. but its a semester and ya gotta do what ya gotta do... so i try to talk to them when im not busted with work... still cant help the fact that i miss them like crazy!!!!!! if you are one of these buttheads and you read this... I LOVE YOU!!!!

next order of business:
thank you to thse who have responded..
adrienne: you made my damn day!!!! when i finally got the chance to read your comment.. granted after the fact.. but ya know!!!

as for today.. let me tell you...
ok so i get home at 7:30 am.. as i have been doing for a lil under a week now randomly.. suprisingly my rents are flipping out.... yet. so im all like whoo and shit cause im awake and i do things.. so what do i do today?? i baked 120 cookies.. thats right folks.. COOKIES!! mae is sick and he stayed home and he wanted to make some.. we had the best time. i laugh with that wee one soo much. 1/2 were choc chip and the others were pb chip.. though mae ate like 1/2 the bag of pb chips cause he played the im sick card with my mom and she kept on givin him some.. damn the power of his cutness.. (too bad i dont usually fall for it)... we had a good day though.. and i got to go to class and such.. catch up on some corny outdated dorky programs this morning.. but hey i love em!!! a knows what im talkin about.. ok so here is a song from one of them.. and YES! it is VERY lame.. but i adore it.. so shut up!!!!

If every word I said
Could make you laugh
Ooh, I'd talk forever
I asked the sky just what we had
It showed forever
(together my love)
If the song I sing to you
Could fill your heart with joy
I'd sing forever
(together my love)
Forever, forever
I've been so happy loving you
Let the love I have for you live in your heart
And be forever
Forever, forever
I've been so happy loving you

~OK OK OK.. so im a dork.. you dont like it?? BITE ME!!!!!

what i want in the future. is to be madly in love.. not just madly.. insanely... like crazy whisk you off your feet, romantic schmantic.. IN LOVE!! i have always wanted that.. i am such a loser.. but a utopian love loser at that!!! i think it is something i never admitted i always wanted because i have been hurt and afraid that that feeling or that dream or the notion would be scarred.. and i would never be able to get it back again if i got my heart broken.. but i have always wanted mornings where you wake up and your husband/mate/boyfriend whatever is next to me and you feel lucky to be alive... and when i have kids.. i want them to paint on the house.. all over the place with their hands.. i want them to paint eachother.. early in the morning.. and me waking up to them painting me asleep in my bed.. and i wanna be mad at them.. cause i know that i soooo would have done that at my age if i wasnt afraid of being strung up by my curls.. but i also know that i will laugh my ass off at them later.. cause their impulsiveness and laughter, though naughty.. is so perfect... i watch mae and sometimes that baby makes me so madi cant see straight.. but it takes a few seconds.. and ilaugh at him.. cause he does alot of what i did.. and hes soo funny.. and he doesnt care.. and he is MY mae.. and i love him. in the few years that he has been alive he has shaped my life and lightened it up in ways which i do not think he will ever fully realize.. i can be sooo upset and he will come and lay down with me and scratch my head or bug me and give me a hug and a kiss.. and i couldnt tell u what was bothering me to begin with.. he is one of the most amazing people i know.. and he is only 3.. so i figure the rest of his life he will just leave me breathless and proud...

ok so i have rambled for a very long time.. its early in the morn and my mind tends to wander and race.. see i got on here to do my work.. so i should go back to that... ill try to update this things more often.. HAHA.. yea.. right!!!

leave comments, leave love..

i love you all....

oh and to my sick ones.. GET BETTER!!!!! the FIFI has spoken!!!!

later gators!!!
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