Because I can't post daily...

Sep 27, 2009 23:16

day one - a song
day two - a picture 

day three - a book/ebook/fanfic

day four - a site

day five - a youtube clip 

day six - a quote

day seven - whatever tickles your fancy

So I had a small issue actually posting 7 days in a row, but I'm still gonna finish the meme.

Pajiba: Scathing Reviews. Bitchy People. Everyone wants a little sarcasm and outright disdain, in their movie reviews right? I love this site, take the most scathing tv/book/movie review you've ever read and times it by 100 and you get about 70% of the sites content. Its just fun to read.

Go Fug Yourself See above but switch out movie reviews for fashion commentary. The fug girls find the worst of the worst and they aren't always nice about it.

+ I miss True Blood. I've now iconned pretty much all I can of the two seasons, so now I'm left feeling 'meh' about 80% of television and without anything to icon:( Although I have a new girl!crush on Pam, 'cause she's too awesome to be left on the back burner for another season, if we can have that much Tara, we can have more Pam.

+ Glee makes me happy, if for nothing else than I'm not really invested in the characters, so they can't do a storyline that would make me pissed or stop watching. Its fun, frothy and musicalicious, and thats enough.

+ School sucks. Plato sucks.


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