True Blood Finale, what else?

Sep 14, 2009 17:18

I was going to wait to post my thoughts on last nights season finale of True Blood, but screw it. Here they are and don't expect the warm and fuzzies, there are spoilers for the books, and some speculation about the next season. If you are a Bill fan, avoid this, so we can still be friends.

So basically I was underwhelmed by the ep. I didn't necessarily mind how they finished Marianne off, even though that whole arc bored me to tears.

+ Jason was typically stupid and it didn't annoy me (the smell of nailpolish in the morning) and Andy was actually amusing (it's diet coke, with lime!)

+ One Eric scene was not enough, especially if you're gonna shove Bill down our throats for the majority of the ep. Although he was cute playing Yatzee, but the whole attempt at I guess sexuality between him and the queen? No, just no. I'm sorry I didn't find it sexy, it just kinda weirded me out.

+ Sookie was back to being annoying and relying on everyone else to save her, every time she starts to get a bit of backbone they make her scream for Bill's help. Maybe its just me but a lot of the books seem to be about undoing her belief that she's just a helpless barmaid.

+ Jessica... yeah I got nowhere to go with that one.

+ Bill *sigh* I don't think Stephen Moyer is a great actor and he seems mostly uncomfortable and wooden in his scenes, so he's never amazed me, even before I fell in love with Eric as a character. So him being the saviour and all that shit was just too much. I don't really understand Alan Ball's love for him, yes he's a southern gentleman, and I guess more of a 'good guy' than Eric, but he's boring and one dimensional. And beyond this point his role in the books begins to shrink and he becomes the bad guy in Sookie's life, so what now? Is Ball just gonna forget all of that to save Bill/Sookie? Or worse is he going to make Eric take some of Bills storyline and turn him into the bad guy? Neither option makes me all that happy.

+ Don't even get me started on the proposal scene. I have no words for the stupidity of that.

+ I am a believer that the improved writing/storyline this season led to better ratings, and maybe wrongIy I think Eric and Eric/Sookie had something to do with that too.

Some speculation for next season, with book spoilers and an alan Ball quote:

First of all this: Speaking of which, are you surprised at how passionate the Sookie/Eric fans are?
BALL: Yes. I try not to get involved in that because it just sort of - it’s too confusing. I don’t want it to influence what the show is. Personally, I’m like, yes, Eric’s hot, but beyond that he’s dangerous, and I don’t know if he’d love anybody besides himself. What’s the appeal there? The bad boy? The danger?

- Seriously? Why do people like Eric? Maybe because he has more depth than the shallow end of a pond (Bill). Maybe because in terms of 'evil' vamps I've watched his not nearly the worst. Angelus was evil, Eric is enterprising. But surprisingly Ball having read the books and knowing Bill is using Sookie for the Queen and the eventual scene in the car trunk, thinks he's not evil at all. Its great to be selective when making a TV show based on books, deviating and all that, but maybe there is a reason Eric and Sookie are constantly revolving around each other and are bonded, and not her and Bill. I just have no idea where this Bill character he created is coming from, 'cause he wasn't in the books I read. Also ASkars brings something to Eric that wasn't there in the books, he really is the best actor on this show, and I think he actually makes Anna Paquin better, less annoying, and I like her. I dunno I think its hard because he obviously took the Bill/Sookie ship differently in the book and he wants to romanticize them or something, which sucks 'cause some of the best scenes are between Eric/Sookie, they seem to get each other's humour, and we lose a lot of that while Ball worships to the alter of bland and blander.

Some things I'm looking forward to next season (based on the 3rd book):

+ Alcide! I have to say I really liked him (I'm only done the 3rd book, so that may change)
+ Seeing Club Dead
+ Eric taking care of Sookie (if we're lucky)
+ Maybe having the amnesia storyline moved up?

Not looking forward to:

+Eric possibly being the one who kidnapped Bill, 'cause really Ball that would stupid. I am not gonna like Bill no matter how much he's tortured or by who, actually bring the silver on.
+ Queen Sophie Ann, she kinda goes either way for me, her scenes with Bill were hilariously bad and over the top, but her sticking around can't be good. We'll see.

So yeah there we go. I have to say as many complaints as I have I enjoyed the season, (I'm gonna do a good/bad recap this weekend), I had written this show off halfway through the first season, but now I don't know what I'll do without it:(

tv: true blood

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