Sep 03, 2011 07:20
Hey friendsss, can you help me out with something?
I'm trying to switch to a new cell phone company but I need to know how good the reception is. I'm with Sprint right now and their customer service/etc is a total nightmare, but they have perfect reception at my house and at work, which are practically the only two places I make phone calls, so it's really tempting to stick with them. But I just got billed for a charge that I asked them to take off twice (and the second time, they were like "please hold for a few minutes while I do that" so I have NO idea what they were doing during those 5 minutes) and I spent like 3 hours on the phone placing the order in the first place and just going through complete hell. So I'm really enthusiastic about switching to another company (maybe verizon?) but I'm just worried about the reception. I don't have much of a need for data/texting/etc so I'd be getting the cheapest plan at $35.00 with any company, I just want one where I don't have to worry about dropped/unclear calls in those two locations. So I guess I'm just wondering what cell providers different people have, how good the reception generally is, does it improve with a certain type of phone, etc. Any information you could give me would be awesome. Thank you!