Fandom timesss

May 18, 2009 10:14

I love revealing new fandoms. Especially ones I'm really embarrassed about. It's always such a challenge. Sometimes I can't even say who it is, so I just link to their wikipedia page, or I use fake names or drop subtle hints...well, I don't really have a reason to do that this time since it's not a 60-year-old guy with a self-comfort level that scares me. Bummer, right? So I'll just do it like this:


The last time I fangirled her was about 5 years ago, shortly before I started my LJ, but it was your typical Meryl-fangirling lesbian time, so I don't really need to explain it. Except I sort of do, because Meryl has certain eras to her career that are all different. For me it was all about Adaptation, Angels in America, and The Hours. Never saw Sophie's Choice, The Deer Hunter, or Manhattan (too bad, because I now have a pact with myself never to watch Woody Allen movies or movies about the Holocaust, knowing the epic misery that will ultimately occur if I watch them. I do, however, love experiencing the misery of the Vietnam War, so I am all set for this deer movie), and I was out of there before Prime and The Devil Wears Prada. So I guess I would characterize the Meryl I fangirled as somewhat abstract and dysfunctional, but also really classy and serene. It was a fabulous time for her. Remember that leafy necklace she wore to the 2003 Oscars? Those were the days.

The irony of all this is that it was Mamma Mia that ignited this crazy thing in my life. At first I was pretty pissed at her for taking that role; I think it's a stupid musical based on a terrible premise and crappy music (and god, the directing was terrible. French and Saunders were right on) and she can clearly do much better. But I guess I can't blame her for wanting to do something lighthearted after doing every depressing movie ever. I doubt (heh) she passed up any brilliant, Oscar-worthy offers for this one. Because, yeah, she still did Doubt, and that was awesome and slightly life-owning. So, yeah, cool beans.

I feel compelled to mention that it is the fabulous Tina Fey's 39th birthday. Over the last year, Tina has been a force of awesomeness in my life, and I think she is the closest thing I have to a long-term fandom. I'm not attracted to her at all (except when I watch Mean Girls and wish I had never dropped calculus), which is probably why she consistently stands out amidst the gazillions of fandoms that have come and gone since then. She's an incredible writer, and if I can ever figure out how to exude that kind of brilliance, I will be set for life. ILY TINA.

tina fey, meryl streep

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