Thou shalt not worship false idols with magic fingers

May 15, 2009 21:28

Once I wrote a paper about the origins of Christianity. But what about the origins of Bob Guntonism? Guntolicism? Church of the "Later Day" Gunton? So I will, in this post, record that which led to the creation of this clearly awesome religion. Which happened via text between me and averita. Because that's how religions form now.
Kelsey: I've been Bob Guntonless for so long that his voice makes me squirm, lmao. If that isn't sexual, I don't know what is.
Avery: No need to wonder - it's sexual. LMAO. I wonder if he's done any audio books?
Kelsey: God, I hope not. I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD DEAL WITH AN ORGASM OF THAT LENGTH. lmfao that capslock was an accident but it amused me so I left it that way.
Avery: Capslock has a mind of its own. And who was it, Cameron? That said women can have an hour long orgasm. Clearly she was talking about Bob Gunton.
Kelsey: Let's be honest here. Cameron is ALWAYS talking about Bob Gunton.
Avery: She keeps his frozen sperm.
Kelsey: He drops into the clinic with fake issues once a week to see her secretly. And they're all euphemisms or things like "my penis is on fire."
Avery: She prescribed him Viagra once and he was insulted. She couldn't sit down for a week.
Kelsey: I really want to write Cameron/Bob Gunton fic now. I love/hate you so hard.
Avery:Well, I feel your pain, but you realize you MUST do this now. I deem it necessary to both our existence and the general wellbeing of the universe.
Kelsey: It's so hard knowing that we have so much influence and power for greatness in the world.
Avery: With great power comes great responsibility. In this case, Cameron/Bob Gunton fic.
Kelsey: We could start a religion revolving around it, even.
Avery: Oh man, with Blueberry, and Ben/Locke...and dirty thoughts are TOTALLY allowed at church.
Kelsey: When they do something wrong they have to repent by making a sex vow to Bob Gunton.
Avery: "Hail Cameron, full of Bob..."

And I have to add this hilarious exchange between me and roselafleur on her journal:
Tess: Church of the Later Day Gunton's perchance? Or Guntolicism.
Kelsey: lmfao I love the first one. Especially because "Later Day" sounds like a circumstantial thing for having sex.
Tess: It's like you all do it in the afternoon or evening and with a picture of him beside the bed, blessing the sex with his magic finger.

bob gunton, house

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